<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>SoundManager 2 Template</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">
#soundmanager-debug {
 /* SM2 debug container (optional, use or customize this as you like - makes in-browser debug output more useable) */
 position:fixed;_position:absolute;right:1em;bottom:1em;width:50em;height:18em;overflow:auto;background:#fff;margin:1em;padding:1em;border:1px solid #999;font-family:monaco,"lucida console",verdana,tahoma,"sans serif";font-size:x-small;line-height:1.5em;opacity:0.9;filter:alpha(opacity=90);
<!-- some CSS for this demo page, not required for SM2 -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="template.css" />


<!-- include SM2 library (see builds for optimized versions) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../script/soundmanager2.js"></script>

<!-- configure SM2 for your use -->
<script type="text/javascript">


  // location: path to SWF files, as needed (SWF file name is appended later.)

  url: '../../swf/',

  // optional: version of SM2 flash audio API to use (8 or 9; default is 8 if omitted, OK for most use cases.)
  // flashVersion: 9,

  // optional: use Flash for MP3/MP4/AAC formats, even if HTML5 support present. useful if HTML5 is quirky.
  // preferFlash: true

  // use soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js, or disable debug mode (enabled by default) after development/testing
  // debugMode: false,

  // good to go: the onready() callback

  onready: function() {

    // SM2 has started - now you can create and play sounds!

    var mySound = soundManager.createSound({
      id: 'aSound', // optional: an id will be generated if not provided.
      url: '../_mp3/click-high.mp3'
      // onload: function() { console.log('sound loaded!', this); }
      // other options here..



  // optional: ontimeout() callback for handling start-up failure, flash required but blocked, etc.

  ontimeout: function() {

    // Hrmm, SM2 could not start. Missing SWF? Flash blocked? Show an error, etc.?
    // See the flashblock demo when you want to start getting fancy.





<script type="text/javascript">
// helper function for this page only, demo purposes
function checkDomain() {
  if (!document.domain && !this.href.match(/index/i)) {


<body style="height:100%">

<div style="max-width:75em">

 <h1>SoundManager 2 Template Example</h1>
 <p>This page covers the basics of adding SoundManager 2 to your project.</p>

 <h2>How it works</h2>
 <p>The minimal code needed to get SoundManager 2 going is below, with <em><em>configurable parts highlighted</em></em>. You can copy/paste it to get started. This page is also running the template code; If available, look at your JavaScript console for debug output from SM2.</p>


 <p>You'll need to copy the files inside the <b>script/</b> and <b>swf/</b> subdirectories included with the SoundManager 2 package into your project.</p>

 <ul class="file-structure">
    <li class="core">
     script/ <span>- API core, soundmanager2.js</span>
    <li class="core">
     swf/ <span>- API core, SoundManager 2 .SWF files</span>

 <p>At the bare minimum, you will need <b>soundmanager2.js</b>, <b>soundmanager2.swf</b> and <b>soundmanager2_debug.swf</b> for the default flash 8-based configuration. (Optionally, SM2 can use a Flash 9-based audio API which has MP4 support, data visualization and a few other features.)</p>

 <h2 id="minimal">Template Code: Basic Version</h2>

 <p>This is a compact version of the template you can copy/paste to get started. For new users, see the <a href="#commented-template">commented version</a>.</p>

<pre class="block"><code>&lt;script src="<em><em>/path/to/soundmanager2.js</em></em>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  url: '<em><em>/path/to/swf-files/</em></em>',
  onready: function() {
    var mySound = soundManager.createSound({
      id: '<em><em>aSound</em></em>',
      url: '<em><em>/path/to/an.mp3</em></em>'
  ontimeout: function() {
    <span><span>// Hrmm, SM2 could not start. Missing SWF? Flash blocked? Show an error, etc.?</span></span>

 <h2 id="commented-template">Template Code: Commented Version</h2>

<pre class="block"><code><span><span>&lt;!-- include SM2 library (see <a href="../../doc/getstarted/#basic-inclusion" title="SoundManager 2: Script build versions" onclick="checkDomain()">builds</a> for optimized versions) --&gt;</span></span>
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<em><em>/path/to/soundmanager2.js</em></em>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

<span><span>&lt;!-- configure SM2 for your use --&gt;</span></span>
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;


  <span><span>// location: path to SWF files, as needed (SWF file name is appended later.)</span></span>

  url: '<em><em>/path/to/swf-files/</em></em>',

  <span><span>// optional: version of SM2 flash audio API to use (8 or 9; default is 8 if omitted, OK for most use cases.)
  // flashVersion: <em><em>9</em></em>,

  // use soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js, <i>or</i> disable debug mode (enabled by default) after development/testing
  // debugMode: <em><em>false</em></em>,

  // good to go: the onready() callback</span></span>

  onready: function() {

    <span><span>// SM2 has started - now you can create and play sounds!</span></span>

    var mySound = soundManager.createSound({
      id: '<em><em>aSound</em></em>', <span><span>// optional: provide your own unique id</span></span>
      url: '<em><em>/path/to/an.mp3</em></em>'
      <span><span>// onload: function() { console.log('sound loaded!', this); }
      // <a href="../../doc/#smdefaults" onclick="checkDomain()">other options</a> here..</span></span>



  <span><span>// optional: ontimeout() callback for handling start-up failure</span></span>

  ontimeout: function() {

    <span><span>// Hrmm, SM2 could not start. Missing SWF? Flash blocked? No HTML5 audio support? Show an error, etc.?
    // See the <a href="../flashblock/" title="SoundManager 2 flashblock handling demo" onclick="checkDomain()">flashblock demo</a> when you want to start getting fancy.</span></span>




 <h2 id="html5-notes">HTML5 Support Notes</h2>
 <p>Read up on <a href="../../doc/#soundmanager-usehtml5audio" onclick="checkDomain()">HTML5 audio support</a>, if you're feeling adventurous. iPad/iPhone and devices without flash installed will always use 100% HTML5 mode. By default, SM2 will use 100% HTML5 mode where supported. If you want to override this, specify <code>preferFlash: true</code> and Flash will be used (if present) for playing MP3 and MP4 (AAC) formats.</p>

 <h2 id="flashblock-handling">Handling flash blockers</h2>
 <p>It's good to let users see the flash component of SM2, so those with flash blockers can unblock it and allow SM2 to start. For more info, see the <a href="../flashblock/" title="SoundManager 2 with Flash block handling" onclick="checkDomain()">Flashblock</a> example.</p>

 <h2 style="margin-top:1em">Disabling debug output</h2>
 <p>SoundManager 2 will write debug output via <code>console.log()</code> if available, by default. To disable it, simply specify <code>debugMode: false</code>.</p>
 <p>You can also write HTML-based debug output to the DOM via <code>consoleOnly: false</code> and/or <code>useConsole: false</code>.</p>
 <p>To see related configuration code, refer to the source of this page which basically does all of the above "for real."</p>

 <h2>Troubleshooting ("failed to start": Viewing offline, missing SWF, flash blockers etc.)</h2>
 <p>If SM2 is failing to start and throwing errors due to flash security, timeouts or other issues, check out the <a href="../../doc/getstarted/#troubleshooting" title="SoundManager 2 troubleshooting tool" onclick="checkDomain()">troubleshooting tool</a> for tips.</p>

 <h2>No-debug, compressed version of soundmanager2.js</h2>
 <p>Once development is finished, you can also use the "minified" (down to ~8% of original size with gzip!) version of SM2, which has debug output and comments removed for you: <a href="../../script/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js">soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js</a>. Serve with gzip compression wherever possible for best bandwidth savings.</p>
