// create filters for maps, and for card views // keep an array of which item categories are currently visible. var categoryVisible = new Object(); categoryVisible['Group'] = true; categoryVisible['Person'] = true; categoryVisible['Bizarre'] = true; categoryVisible['Catalyst'] = true; categoryVisible['Closed'] = true; categoryVisible['Experience'] = true; categoryVisible['Future Dev'] = true; categoryVisible['Idea'] = true; categoryVisible['Implication'] = true; categoryVisible['Insight'] = true; categoryVisible['Intention'] = true; categoryVisible['Knowledge'] = true; categoryVisible['Location'] = true; categoryVisible['Open Issue'] = true; categoryVisible['Opinion'] = true; categoryVisible['Opportunity'] = true; categoryVisible['Platform'] = true; categoryVisible['Problem'] = true; categoryVisible['Question'] = true; categoryVisible['Reference'] = true; categoryVisible['Requirement'] = true; categoryVisible['Resource'] = true; categoryVisible['Role'] = true; categoryVisible['Task'] = true; categoryVisible['Tool'] = true; categoryVisible['Trajectory'] = true; categoryVisible['Action'] = true; categoryVisible['Activity'] = true; function switchVisible(category, duration) { if (categoryVisible[category] == true) { hideCategory(category, duration); } else if (categoryVisible[category] == false) { showCategory(category, duration); } } function hideCategory(category, duration) { if (duration == null) duration = 500; Mconsole.graph.eachNode( function (n) { if (n.getData('itemcatname') == category) { n.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } }); Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha'], duration: duration }); } function showCategory(category, duration) { if (duration == null) duration = 500; Mconsole.graph.eachNode( function (n) { if (n.getData('itemcatname') == category) { n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); }); } }); Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha'], duration: duration }); } // Define the Find/Filters possibilities var findTopics = ['name','metacode', 'mapper (by name)', 'map (by name)'] var findSynapses = ['topics (by name)', 'directionality', 'mapper (by name)', 'map (by name)'] var findMaps = ['name', 'topic (by name)', 'mapper (by name)', 'synapse (by topics)'] var findMappers = ['name', 'topic (by name)', 'map (by name)', 'synapse (by topics)'] // These functions toggle ALL nodes and synapses on the page function hideAll(duration) { if (duration == null) duration = 500; Mconsole.graph.eachNode( function (n) { n.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); }); Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha'], duration: duration }); } function showAll(duration) { if (duration == null) duration = 500; Mconsole.graph.eachNode( function (n) { n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); }); }); Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha'], duration: duration }); } /// Traverse the Graph and only show the searched for nodes function onCanvasSearch(name,mapID,mapperID) { Mconsole.graph.eachNode( function (n) { if (name != null) { if (n.name.indexOf(name) !== -1) { n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } else { n.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } } else if (mapID != null) { if (n.getData('inmaps').indexOf(parseInt(mapID)) !== -1) { n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } else { n.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } } else if (mapperID != null) { if (n.getData('userid').toString() == mapperID) { n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } else { n.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end'); }); } } }); Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha'], duration: 500 }); } //// //// //// //// Define all the dynamic interactions for the FIND/FILTER using Jquery $(document).ready(function() { // this sets up the initial opening of the find box $('.sideOption').bind('click',function(){ $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 700, function() { $('#topic_by_name_input').focus(); }); $('#closeFind, #findWhere').css('display','block'); $('.sideOption').unbind('click'); $('.sideOption').css('cursor','default'); }); // this sets up the closing of the find box, and the toggling between open and closed. $('#closeFind').click(function(){ $('#closeFind, #findWhere').css('display','none'); $('.sideOption').css('cursor','pointer'); $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '45px', height: '32px' }, 700, function() { $('.sideOption').bind('click',function(){ firstVal = $('.sideOption option[value="name"]').attr('selected'); secondVal = $('.sideOption option[value="metacode"]').attr('selected'); thirdVal = $('.sideOption option[value="map (by name)"]').attr('selected'); fourthVal = $('.sideOption option[value="mapper (by name)"]').attr('selected'); if ( firstVal === 'selected' || thirdVal === 'selected' || fourthVal === 'selected' ) { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('#topic_by_name_input').focus(); }); } else if ( secondVal === 'selected') { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '380px', height: '463px' }, 300, function() { // Animation complete. }); } else if ( thirdVal === 'selected' ) { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('#map_by_name_input').focus(); }); } else if ( fourthVal === 'selected' ) { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('#mapper_by_name_input').focus(); }); } $('#closeFind, #findWhere').css('display','block'); $('.sideOption').unbind('click'); $('.sideOption').css('cursor','default'); }); }); }); // this is where interactions within the find box begin // $("#topic_by_name_input").keyup(function() { var topicName = $(this).val(); onCanvasSearch(topicName,null,null); }); $('.sideOption .select_content').change(function() { firstVal = $(this).children("option[value='topics']").attr('selected'); secondVal = $(this).children("option[value='maps']").attr('selected'); thirdVal = $(this).children("option[value='mappers']").attr('selected'); if ( firstVal == 'selected') { $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='metacode']").removeAttr('disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='map (by name)']").removeAttr('disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='mapper (by name)']").removeAttr('disabled'); $('.find').css('display','none'); $('.find_topic_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#topic_by_name_input').focus(); } else if ( secondVal == 'selected' ) { if ( $(".sideOption .select_type").val() != "name") { $(".sideOption .select_type").val('name'); $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { // Animation complete. }); } $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='metacode']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='map (by name)']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='mapper (by name)']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.find').css('display','none'); $('.find_map_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#map_by_name_input').focus(); } else if ( thirdVal == 'selected' ) { $(".sideOption .select_type").val('name'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='metacode']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='map (by name)']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.sideOption .select_type').children("option[value='mapper (by name)']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.find').css('display','none'); $('.find_mapper_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#mapper_by_name_input').focus(); } }); $('.sideOption .select_type').change(function() { firstVal = $(this).children("option[value='name']").attr('selected'); secondVal = $(this).children("option[value='metacode']").attr('selected'); thirdVal = $(this).children("option[value='map (by name)']").attr('selected'); fourthVal = $(this).children("option[value='mapper (by name)']").attr('selected'); if ( firstVal === 'selected') { $('.find').fadeOut('fast', function() { showAll(); $('.find_topic_by_metacode ul li').not('#hideAll, #showAll').removeClass('toggledOff'); for (var catVis in categoryVisible) { categoryVisible[catVis] = true; } $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('.find_topic_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#topic_by_name_input').focus(); }); }); } else if ( secondVal === 'selected' ) { $('.find').fadeOut('fast', function() { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '380px', height: '463px' }, 300, function() { $('.find_topic_by_metacode').fadeIn('fast'); }); }); } else if ( thirdVal === 'selected' ) { $('.find').fadeOut('fast', function() { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('.find_map_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#map_by_name_input').focus(); }); }); } else if ( fourthVal === 'selected' ) { $('.find').fadeOut('fast', function() { $('.sideOption').animate({ width: '305px', height: '76px' }, 300, function() { $('.find_mapper_by_name').css('display','block'); $('#mapper_by_name_input').focus(); }); }); } }); $('.find_topic_by_name #topic_by_name_input').bind('railsAutocomplete.select', function(event, data){ /* Do something here */ if (data.item.id != undefined) { window.open("/items/" + data.item.id) } $('.find_topic_by_name #topic_by_name_input').val(''); }); $('.find_topic_by_name').bind('submit', function(event, data){ event.preventDefault(); }); $('.find_map_by_name #map_by_name_input').bind('railsAutocomplete.select', function(event, data){ firstVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='topics']").attr('selected'); secondVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='maps']").attr('selected'); thirdVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='mappers']").attr('selected'); if ( firstVal == 'selected') { onCanvasSearch(null,data.item.id,null); } else if ( secondVal == 'selected' ) { if (data.item.id != undefined) { window.open("/maps/" + data.item.id); } $('.find_map_by_name #map_by_name_input').val(''); } else if ( thirdVal == 'selected' ) { } }); $('.find_map_by_name').bind('submit', function(event, data){ event.preventDefault(); }); $('.find_mapper_by_name #mapper_by_name_input').bind('railsAutocomplete.select', function(event, data){ firstVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='topics']").attr('selected'); secondVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='maps']").attr('selected'); thirdVal = $('.sideOption .select_content').children("option[value='mappers']").attr('selected'); if ( firstVal == 'selected') { onCanvasSearch(null,null,data.item.id.toString()); } else if ( secondVal == 'selected' ) { } else if ( thirdVal == 'selected' ) { if (data.item.id != undefined) { window.open("/users/" + data.item.id); } $('.find_mapper_by_name #mapper_by_name_input').val(''); } }); $('.find_mapper_by_name').bind('submit', function(event, data){ event.preventDefault(); }); // toggle visibility of item categories based on status in the filters list $('.find_topic_by_metacode ul li').click(function(event) { obj = document.getElementById('container'); var switchAll = $(this).attr('id'); if ( switchAll === "showAll" || switchAll === "hideAll") { if (switchAll == "showAll") { // this means that we are on a map view if (obj != null) { showAll(); } // this means that we are on a card view else { $('.item').fadeIn('slow'); } $('.find_topic_by_metacode ul li').not('#hideAll, #showAll').removeClass('toggledOff'); for (var catVis in categoryVisible) { categoryVisible[catVis] = true; } } else if (switchAll == "hideAll") { // this means that we are on a map view if (obj != null) { hideAll(); } // this means that we are on a card view else { $('.item').fadeOut('slow'); } $('.find_topic_by_metacode ul li').not('#hideAll, #showAll').addClass('toggledOff'); for (var catVis in categoryVisible) { categoryVisible[catVis] = false; } } } else { var category = $(this).children('img').attr('alt'); // this means that we are on a map view if (obj != null) { switchVisible(category); } // this means that we are on a card view //else { // if (categoryVisible[category] == true) { // if (category.split(' ').length == 1) { // $('#cards .' + category).fadeOut('slow'); // } // else { // $('#cards .' + category.split(' ')[0]).fadeOut('slow'); // } // } // else if (categoryVisible[category] == false) { // if (category.split(' ').length == 1) { // $('#cards .' + category).fadeIn('slow'); // } // else { // $('#cards .' + category.split(' ')[0]).fadeIn('slow'); // } // } // } // toggle the image and the boolean array value if (categoryVisible[category] == true) { $(this).addClass('toggledOff'); categoryVisible[category] = false; } else if (categoryVisible[category] == false) { $(this).removeClass('toggledOff'); categoryVisible[category] = true; } } }); });