require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Topic, type: :model do it { belong_to :user } it { belong_to :metacode } it { have_many :maps } context 'has_viewable_synapses function' do let (:user) { create(:user) } let (:other_user) { create(:user) } context 'topic with no synapses' do let (:topic) { create(:topic) } it 'returns false' do expect(topic.has_viewable_synapses(user)).to eq false end end context 'topic with one unpermitted synapse' do let (:topic) { create(:topic) } let (:synapse) { create(:synapse, permission: :private, topic1: topic, user: other_user) } it 'returns false' do expect(topic.has_viewable_synapses(user)).to eq false end end context 'topic with one permitted synapse' do let (:topic) { create(:topic) } let (:synapse) { create(:synapse, permission: :private, topic1: topic, user: user) } it 'returns true' do expect(topic.has_viewable_synapses(user)).to eq true end end context 'topic with one unpermitted, one permitted synapse' do let (:topic) { create(:topic) } let (:synapse1) { create(:synapse, permission: :private, topic1: topic, user: other_user) } let (:synapse2) { create(:synapse, permission: :private, topic1: topic, user: user) } it 'returns true' do expect(topic.synapses.count).to eq 2 expect(topic.has_viewable_synapses(user)).to eq true end end end context 'permssions' do pending "TODO" end end