/* global Metamaps, $ */ import $jit from '../patched/JIT' import Active from './Active' import AutoLayout from './AutoLayout' import Create from './Create' import Filter from './Filter' import GlobalUI from './GlobalUI' import JIT from './JIT' import Map from './Map' import Router from './Router' import Selected from './Selected' import Settings from './Settings' import SynapseCard from './SynapseCard' import TopicCard from './TopicCard' import Util from './Util' import Visualize from './Visualize' /* * Metamaps.Topic.js.erb * * Dependencies: * - Metamaps.Backbone * - Metamaps.Creators * - Metamaps.Mappings * - Metamaps.Synapses * - Metamaps.Topics */ const Topic = { // this function is to retrieve a topic JSON object from the database // @param id = the id of the topic to retrieve get: function (id, callback) { // if the desired topic is not yet in the local topic repository, fetch it if (Metamaps.Topics.get(id) == undefined) { // console.log("Ajax call!") if (!callback) { var e = $.ajax({ url: '/topics/' + id + '.json', async: false }) Metamaps.Topics.add($.parseJSON(e.responseText)) return Metamaps.Topics.get(id) } else { return $.ajax({ url: '/topics/' + id + '.json', success: function (data) { Metamaps.Topics.add(data) callback(Metamaps.Topics.get(id)) } }) } } else { if (!callback) { return Metamaps.Topics.get(id) } else { return callback(Metamaps.Topics.get(id)) } } }, launch: function (id) { var bb = Metamaps.Backbone var start = function (data) { Active.Topic = new bb.Topic(data.topic) Metamaps.Creators = new bb.MapperCollection(data.creators) Metamaps.Topics = new bb.TopicCollection([data.topic].concat(data.relatives)) Metamaps.Synapses = new bb.SynapseCollection(data.synapses) Metamaps.Backbone.attachCollectionEvents() document.title = Active.Topic.get('name') + ' | Metamaps' // set filter mapper H3 text $('#filter_by_mapper h3').html('CREATORS') // build and render the visualization Visualize.type = 'RGraph' JIT.prepareVizData() // update filters Filter.reset() // reset selected arrays Selected.reset() // these three update the actual filter box with the right list items Filter.checkMetacodes() Filter.checkSynapses() Filter.checkMappers() // for mobile $('#header_content').html(Active.Topic.get('name')) } $.ajax({ url: '/topics/' + id + '/network.json', success: start }) }, end: function () { if (Active.Topic) { $('.rightclickmenu').remove() TopicCard.hideCard() SynapseCard.hideCard() Filter.close() } }, centerOn: function (nodeid, callback) { // don't clash with fetchRelatives if (!Visualize.mGraph.busy) { Visualize.mGraph.onClick(nodeid, { hideLabels: false, duration: 1000, onComplete: function () { if (callback) callback() } }) Router.navigate('/topics/' + nodeid) Active.Topic = Metamaps.Topics.get(nodeid) } }, fetchRelatives: function (nodes, metacode_id) { var self = this var node = $.isArray(nodes) ? nodes[0] : nodes var topics = Metamaps.Topics.map(function (t) { return t.id }) var topics_string = topics.join() var creators = Metamaps.Creators.map(function (t) { return t.id }) var creators_string = creators.join() var topic = node.getData('topic') var successCallback; successCallback = function (data) { if (Visualize.mGraph.busy) { // don't clash with centerOn window.setTimeout(function() { successCallback(data) }, 100) return } if (data.creators.length > 0) Metamaps.Creators.add(data.creators) if (data.topics.length > 0) Metamaps.Topics.add(data.topics) if (data.synapses.length > 0) Metamaps.Synapses.add(data.synapses) var topicColl = new Metamaps.Backbone.TopicCollection(data.topics) topicColl.add(topic) var synapseColl = new Metamaps.Backbone.SynapseCollection(data.synapses) var graph = JIT.convertModelsToJIT(topicColl, synapseColl)[0] Visualize.mGraph.op.sum(graph, { type: 'fade', duration: 500, hideLabels: false }) var i, l, t, s Visualize.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function (n) { t = Metamaps.Topics.get(n.id) t.set({ node: n }, { silent: true }) t.updateNode() n.eachAdjacency(function (edge) { if (!edge.getData('init')) { edge.setData('init', true) l = edge.getData('synapseIDs').length for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { s = Metamaps.Synapses.get(edge.getData('synapseIDs')[i]) s.set({ edge: edge }, { silent: true }) s.updateEdge() } } }) }) if ($.isArray(nodes) && nodes.length > 1) { self.fetchRelatives(nodes.slice(1), metacode_id) } } var paramsString = metacode_id ? 'metacode=' + metacode_id + '&' : '' paramsString += 'network=' + topics_string + '&creators=' + creators_string $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '/topics/' + topic.id + '/relatives.json?' + paramsString, success: successCallback, error: function () {} }) }, // opts is additional options in a hash // TODO: move createNewInDB and permitCerateSYnapseAfter into opts renderTopic: function (mapping, topic, createNewInDB, permitCreateSynapseAfter, opts = {}) { var self = Topic var nodeOnViz, tempPos var newnode = topic.createNode() var midpoint = {}, pixelPos if (!$.isEmptyObject(Visualize.mGraph.graph.nodes)) { Visualize.mGraph.graph.addNode(newnode) nodeOnViz = Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(newnode.id) topic.set('node', nodeOnViz, {silent: true}) topic.updateNode() // links the topic and the mapping to the node nodeOnViz.setData('dim', 1, 'start') nodeOnViz.setData('dim', 25, 'end') if (Visualize.type === 'RGraph') { tempPos = new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')) tempPos = tempPos.toPolar() nodeOnViz.setPos(tempPos, 'current') nodeOnViz.setPos(tempPos, 'start') nodeOnViz.setPos(tempPos, 'end') } else if (Visualize.type === 'ForceDirected') { nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'current') nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'start') nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'end') } if (Create.newTopic.addSynapse && permitCreateSynapseAfter) { Create.newSynapse.topic1id = JIT.tempNode.getData('topic').id // position the form midpoint.x = JIT.tempNode.pos.getc().x + (nodeOnViz.pos.getc().x - JIT.tempNode.pos.getc().x) / 2 midpoint.y = JIT.tempNode.pos.getc().y + (nodeOnViz.pos.getc().y - JIT.tempNode.pos.getc().y) / 2 pixelPos = Util.coordsToPixels(midpoint) $('#new_synapse').css('left', pixelPos.x + 'px') $('#new_synapse').css('top', pixelPos.y + 'px') // show the form Create.newSynapse.open() Visualize.mGraph.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:dim'], duration: 500, onComplete: function () { JIT.tempNode = null JIT.tempNode2 = null JIT.tempInit = false } }) } else { Visualize.mGraph.fx.plotNode(nodeOnViz, Visualize.mGraph.canvas) Visualize.mGraph.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:dim'], duration: 500, onComplete: function () {} }) } } else { Visualize.mGraph.loadJSON(newnode) nodeOnViz = Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(newnode.id) topic.set('node', nodeOnViz, {silent: true}) topic.updateNode() // links the topic and the mapping to the node nodeOnViz.setData('dim', 1, 'start') nodeOnViz.setData('dim', 25, 'end') nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'current') nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'start') nodeOnViz.setPos(new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')), 'end') Visualize.mGraph.fx.plotNode(nodeOnViz, Visualize.mGraph.canvas) Visualize.mGraph.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:dim'], duration: 500, onComplete: function () {} }) } var mappingSuccessCallback = function (mappingModel, response, topicModel) { var newTopicData = { mappingid: mappingModel.id, mappableid: mappingModel.get('mappable_id') } $(document).trigger(JIT.events.newTopic, [newTopicData]) // call a success callback if provided if (opts.success) { opts.success(topicModel) } } var topicSuccessCallback = function (topicModel, response) { if (Active.Map) { mapping.save({ mappable_id: topicModel.id }, { success: function (model, response) { mappingSuccessCallback(model, response, topicModel) }, error: function (model, response) { console.log('error saving mapping to database') } }) } if (Create.newTopic.addSynapse) { Create.newSynapse.topic2id = topicModel.id } } if (!Settings.sandbox && createNewInDB) { if (topic.isNew()) { topic.save(null, { success: topicSuccessCallback, error: function (model, response) { console.log('error saving topic to database') } }) } else if (!topic.isNew() && Active.Map) { mapping.save(null, { success: mappingSuccessCallback }) } } }, createTopicLocally: function () { var self = Topic if (Create.newTopic.name === '') { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Please enter a topic title...') return } // hide the 'double-click to add a topic' message GlobalUI.hideDiv('#instructions') $(document).trigger(Map.events.editedByActiveMapper) var metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.get(Create.newTopic.metacode) var topic = new Metamaps.Backbone.Topic({ name: Create.newTopic.name, metacode_id: metacode.id, defer_to_map_id: Active.Map.id }) Metamaps.Topics.add(topic) if (Create.newTopic.pinned) { var nextCoords = AutoLayout.getNextCoord() } var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ xloc: nextCoords ? nextCoords.x : Create.newTopic.x, yloc: nextCoords ? nextCoords.y : Create.newTopic.y, mappable_id: topic.cid, mappable_type: 'Topic', }) Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping) // these can't happen until the value is retrieved, which happens in the line above Create.newTopic.hide() self.renderTopic(mapping, topic, true, true) // this function also includes the creation of the topic in the database }, getTopicFromAutocomplete: function (id) { var self = Topic $(document).trigger(Map.events.editedByActiveMapper) Create.newTopic.hide() var topic = self.get(id) if (Create.newTopic.pinned) { var nextCoords = AutoLayout.getNextCoord() } var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ xloc: nextCoords ? nextCoords.x : Create.newTopic.x, yloc: nextCoords ? nextCoords.y : Create.newTopic.y, mappable_type: 'Topic', mappable_id: topic.id, }) Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping) self.renderTopic(mapping, topic, true, true) }, getTopicFromSearch: function (event, id) { var self = Topic $(document).trigger(Map.events.editedByActiveMapper) var topic = self.get(id) var nextCoords = AutoLayout.getNextCoord() var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ xloc: nextCoords.x, yloc: nextCoords.y, mappable_type: 'Topic', mappable_id: topic.id, }) Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping) self.renderTopic(mapping, topic, true, true) GlobalUI.notifyUser('Topic was added to your map!') event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() return false } } export default Topic