type: collection get: responses: 200: body: application/json: example: !include ../examples/maps.json post: body: application/json: properties: name: description: name desc: description: description permission: description: commons, public, or private screenshot: description: url to a screenshot of the map contributor_ids: description: the topic being linked from collaborator_ids: description: the topic being linked to responses: 201: body: application/json: example: !include ../examples/map.json /{id}: type: item get: responses: 200: body: application/json: example: !include ../examples/map.json put: body: application/json: properties: name: description: name desc: description: description permission: description: commons, public, or private screenshot: description: url to a screenshot of the map contributor_ids: description: the topic being linked from collaborator_ids: description: the topic being linked to responses: 200: body: application/json: example: !include ../examples/map.json patch: body: application/json: properties: name: description: name desc: description: description permission: description: commons, public, or private screenshot: description: url to a screenshot of the map contributor_ids: description: the topic being linked from collaborator_ids: description: the topic being linked to responses: 200: body: application/json: example: !include ../examples/map.json delete: responses: 204: description: No content