# frozen_string_literal: true class NotificationService # for strip_tags include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper def self.renderer renderer ||= ApplicationController.renderer.new( http_host: ENV['MAILER_DEFAULT_URL'], https: Rails.env.production? ? true : false ) end def self.get_template_for_event_type(event_type) 'map_mailer/' + event_type end def self.get_mailboxer_code_for_event_type(event_type) case event_type when 'access_approved' MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_APPROVED when 'access_request' MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST when 'invite_to_edit' MAILBOXER_CODE_INVITE_TO_EDIT end end def self.access_request(request) event_type = 'access_request' template = get_template_for_event_type(event_type) mailboxer_code = get_mailboxer_code_for_event_type(event_type) body = renderer.render(template: template, locals: { map: request.map, request: request }, layout: false) request.map.user.notify(request.requested_text, body, request, false, mailboxer_code, true, request.user) end def self.access_approved(request) event_type = 'access_approved' template = get_template_for_event_type(event_type) mailboxer_code = get_mailboxer_code_for_event_type(event_type) body = renderer.render(template: template, locals: { map: request.map }, layout: false) request.user.notify(request.approved_text, body, request, false, mailboxer_code, true, request.map.user) end def self.invite_to_edit(user_map) event_type = 'invite_to_edit' template = get_template_for_event_type(event_type) mailboxer_code = get_mailboxer_code_for_event_type(event_type) body = renderer.render(template: template, locals: { map: user_map.map, inviter: user_map.map.user }, layout: false) user_map.user.notify(map.invited_text, body, user_map, false, mailboxer_code, true, user_map.map.user) end # note: this is a global function, probably called from the rails console with some html body def self.message_from_devs(subject, body, opts = {}) users = opts[:users] || User.all obj = opts[:obj] || nil sanitize_text = opts[:sanitize_text] || false notification_code = opts[:notification_code] || MAILBOXER_CODE_MESSAGE_FROM_DEVS send_mail = opts[:send_mail] || true sender = opts[:sender] || User.find_by(email: 'ishanshapiro@gmail.com') Mailboxer::Notification.notify_all(users, subject, body, obj, sanitize_text, notification_code, send_mail, sender) end def self.text_for_notification(notification) case notification.notification_code when MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_APPROVED map = notification.notified_object.map 'granted your request to edit map ' + map.name + '' when MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST map = notification.notified_object.map 'wants permission to map with you on ' + map.name + '  
Offer a response
' when MAILBOXER_CODE_INVITE_TO_EDIT map = notification.notified_object.map 'gave you edit access to map ' + map.name + '' when MAILBOXER_CODE_MESSAGE_FROM_DEVS notification.subject end end end