/* global Metamaps, $ */ import clipboard from 'clipboard-js' import Active from '../Active' import Create from '../Create' import Search from './Search' import CreateMap from './CreateMap' import Account from './Account' import ImportDialog from './ImportDialog' /* * Metamaps.Backbone * Metamaps.Maps */ const GlobalUI = { notifyTimeout: null, lightbox: null, init: function () { var self = GlobalUI self.Search.init() self.CreateMap.init() self.Account.init() self.ImportDialog.init(Metamaps.Erb, self.openLightbox, self.closeLightbox) if ($('#toast').html().trim()) self.notifyUser($('#toast').html()) // bind lightbox clicks $('.openLightbox').click(function (event) { self.openLightbox($(this).attr('data-open')) event.preventDefault() return false }) $('#lightbox_screen, #lightbox_close').click(self.closeLightbox) // initialize global backbone models and collections if (Active.Mapper) Active.Mapper = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapper(Active.Mapper) var myCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Mine ? Metamaps.Maps.Mine : [] var sharedCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Shared ? Metamaps.Maps.Shared : [] var starredCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Starred ? Metamaps.Maps.Starred : [] var mapperCollection = [] var mapperOptionsObj = { id: 'mapper', sortBy: 'updated_at' } if (Metamaps.Maps.Mapper) { mapperCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.models mapperOptionsObj.mapperId = Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.id } var featuredCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Featured ? Metamaps.Maps.Featured : [] var activeCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Active ? Metamaps.Maps.Active : [] Metamaps.Maps.Mine = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(myCollection, { id: 'mine', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Shared = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(sharedCollection, { id: 'shared', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Starred = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(starredCollection, { id: 'starred', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) // 'Mapper' refers to another mapper Metamaps.Maps.Mapper = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(mapperCollection, mapperOptionsObj) Metamaps.Maps.Featured = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(featuredCollection, { id: 'featured', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Active = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(activeCollection, { id: 'active', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) }, showDiv: function (selector) { $(selector).show() $(selector).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, 'easeOutCubic') }, hideDiv: function (selector) { $(selector).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200, 'easeInCubic', function () { $(this).hide() }) }, openLightbox: function (which) { var self = GlobalUI $('.lightboxContent').hide() $('#' + which).show() self.lightbox = which $('#lightbox_overlay').show() var heightOfContent = '-' + ($('#lightbox_main').height() / 2) + 'px' // animate the content in from the bottom $('#lightbox_main').animate({ 'top': '50%', 'margin-top': heightOfContent }, 200, 'easeOutCubic') // fade the black overlay in $('#lightbox_screen').animate({ 'opacity': '0.42' }, 200) if (which === 'switchMetacodes') { Create.isSwitchingSet = true } }, closeLightbox: function (event) { var self = GlobalUI if (event) event.preventDefault() // animate the lightbox content offscreen $('#lightbox_main').animate({ 'top': '100%', 'margin-top': '0' }, 200, 'easeInCubic') // fade the black overlay out $('#lightbox_screen').animate({ 'opacity': '0.0' }, 200, function () { $('#lightbox_overlay').hide() }) if (self.lightbox === 'forkmap') GlobalUI.CreateMap.reset('fork_map') if (self.lightbox === 'newmap') GlobalUI.CreateMap.reset('new_map') if (Create && Create.isSwitchingSet) { Create.cancelMetacodeSetSwitch() } self.lightbox = null }, notifyUser: function (message, leaveOpen) { var self = GlobalUI $('#toast').html(message) self.showDiv('#toast') clearTimeout(self.notifyTimeOut) if (!leaveOpen) { self.notifyTimeOut = setTimeout(function () { self.hideDiv('#toast') }, 8000) } }, clearNotify: function () { var self = GlobalUI clearTimeout(self.notifyTimeOut) self.hideDiv('#toast') }, shareInvite: function (inviteLink) { clipboard.copy({ 'text/plain': inviteLink }).then(() => { $('#joinCodesBox .popup').remove() $('#joinCodesBox').append('') window.setTimeout(() => $('#joinCodesBox .popup').remove(), 1500) }, () => { $('#joinCodesBox .popup').remove() $('#joinCodesBox').append(``) window.setTimeout(() => $('#joinCodesBox .popup').remove(), 1500) }) } } export { Search, CreateMap, Account, ImportDialog } export default GlobalUI