class MapsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_user, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :savelayout] respond_to :html, :js, :json autocomplete :map, :name, :full => true, :extra_data => [:user_id] # GET /maps # or GET /users/:user_id/maps def index @current = current_user if params[:user_id] @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @maps = Map.order("name ASC").visibleToUser(@current, @user) elsif @maps = Map.order("name ASC").visibleToUser(@current, nil) end respond_with(@maps,@user) end # GET maps/new def new @map = @user = current_user respond_with(@map) end # GET maps/:id def show @current = current_user @map = Map.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @map redirect_to root_url and return end @mapjson = @map.self_as_json(@current).html_safe respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@map, @user) } format.json { respond_with(@mapjson) } end end # POST maps def create @user = current_user @map = = params[:map][:name] @map.desc = params[:map][:desc] @map.permission = params[:map][:permission] @map.user = @user @map.arranged = false if params[:map][:topicsToMap] @all = params[:map][:topicsToMap] @all = @all.split(',') @all.each do |topic| topic = topic.split('/') @mapping = @mapping.category = "Topic" @mapping.user = @user = @map @mapping.topic = Topic.find(topic[0]) @mapping.xloc = topic[1] @mapping.yloc = topic[2] end @map.arranged = true respond_to do |format| format.js { respond_with(@map) } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@user, location: map_path(@map)) } end end end # GET maps/:id/edit def edit @current = current_user @map = Map.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_edit(@current) if not @map redirect_to root_url and return end @outtopics = @map.topics.order("name ASC").delete_if{|topic| not topic.authorize_to_view(@current)} respond_with(@user, @map, @outtopics) end # PUT maps/:id def update @map = Map.find(params[:id]) @map.attributes = params[:map] if params[:outtopics] @outtopics = params[:outtopics] @outtopics.each do |topic| @mapping = Mapping.where("map_id = ? AND topic_id = ?",, topic).first @mapping.delete end end respond_with(@user, location: map_path(@map)) do |format| end end # PUT maps/:id/savelayout def savelayout @map = Map.find(params[:id]) if params[:map][:coordinates] @all = params[:map][:coordinates] @all = @all.split(',') @all.each do |topic| topic = topic.split('/') @mapping = Mapping.find(topic[0]) if @mapping @mapping.xloc = topic[1] @mapping.yloc = topic[2] end end @map.arranged = true end end # GET maps/:id/realtime def realtime @current = current_user @map = Map.find(params[:id]) @time = params[:map][:time] @time = @time.to_i @topics = @synapses = @mappings = # add code for finding deleted topics and sending the ids of those back to the client here @topics ={|t| t.updated_at.to_i > @time} @synapses ={|t| t.updated_at.to_i > @time} @mappings ={|t| t.updated_at.to_i > @time && t.category == "Topic"} respond_to do |format| format.js { respond_with(@map,@topics,@synapses,@mappings) } end end # DELETE maps/:id def destroy @map = Map.find(params[:id]) @mappings = @map.mappings @mappings.each do |mapping| mapping.delete end @map.delete respond_to do |format| format.js end end end