class Map < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :topicmappings, -> { Mapping.topicmapping }, class_name: :Mapping, dependent: :destroy has_many :synapsemappings, -> { Mapping.synapsemapping }, class_name: :Mapping, dependent: :destroy has_many :topics, through: :topicmappings, source: :mappable, source_type: "Topic" has_many :synapses, through: :synapsemappings, source: :mappable, source_type: "Synapse" has_many :messages, as: :resource, dependent: :destroy # This method associates the attribute ":image" with a file attachment has_attached_file :screenshot, :styles => { :thumb => ['188x126#', :png] #:full => ['940x630#', :png] }, :default_url => '' validates :name, presence: true validates :arranged, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } validates :permission, presence: true validates :permission, inclusion: { in: } # Validate the attached image is image/jpg, image/png, etc validates_attachment_content_type :screenshot, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/ def mappings topicmappings + synapsemappings end def mk_permission Perm.short(permission) end #return an array of the contributors to the map def contributors contributors = [] self.mappings.each do |m| contributors.push(m.user) if !contributors.include?(m.user) end return contributors end def topic_count self.topics.length end def synapse_count self.synapses.length end def user_name end def user_image self.user.image.url end def contributor_count self.contributors.length end def screenshot_url self.screenshot.url(:thumb) end def created_at_str self.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end def updated_at_str self.updated_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end def as_json(options={}) json = super(:methods =>[:user_name, :user_image, :topic_count, :synapse_count, :contributor_count, :screenshot_url], :except => [:screenshot_content_type, :screenshot_file_size, :screenshot_file_name, :screenshot_updated_at]) json[:created_at_clean] = self.created_at_str json[:updated_at_clean] = self.updated_at_str json end def to_csv(options = {}) CSV.generate(options) do |csv| csv << ["id", "name", "metacode", "desc", "link", "", "permission", "synapses"] self.topics.each do |topic| csv << [,,, topic.desc,,, topic.permission, topic.synapses_csv("text") ] end end end ##### PERMISSIONS ###### def authorize_to_delete(user) if (self.user != user) return false end return self end # returns false if user not allowed to 'show' Topic, Synapse, or Map def authorize_to_show(user) if (self.permission == "private" && self.user != user) return false end return self end # returns false if user not allowed to 'edit' Topic, Synapse, or Map def authorize_to_edit(user) if !user return false elsif (self.permission == "private" && self.user != user) return false elsif (self.permission == "public" && self.user != user) return false end return self end def decode_base64(imgBase64) decoded_data = Base64.decode64(imgBase64) data = data.class_eval do attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename end data.content_type = "image/png" data.original_filename = File.basename('map-' + + '-screenshot.png') self.screenshot = data end end