(function () { Metamaps.Views = {}; var initialized = false; Metamaps.Views.init = function () { Metamaps.Views.MapperCard = Backbone.View.extend({ template: Hogan.compile( $('#mapperCardTemplate').html() ), tagName: "div", className: "mapper", render: function () { this.$el.html( this.template.render(this.model) ); return this; } }); Metamaps.Views.MapCard = Backbone.View.extend({ template: Hogan.compile( $('#mapCardTemplate').html() ), tagName: "div", className: "map", id: function() { return this.model.id; }, initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); }, render: function () { this.$el.html( this.template.render(this.model.attrForCards()) ); return this; } }); var mapsWrapper = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function (opts) { }, setCollection: function (collection) { if (this.collection) this.stopListening(this.collection); this.collection = collection; this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'successOnFetch', this.handleSuccess); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'errorOnFetch', this.handleError); }, render: function (mapperObj) { var that = this; this.el.innerHTML = ""; // in case it is a page where we have to display the mapper card if (mapperObj) { var view = new Metamaps.Views.MapperCard({ model: mapperObj }); that.el.appendChild( view.render().el ); } this.collection.each(function (map) { var view = new Metamaps.Views.MapCard({ model: map }); that.el.appendChild( view.render().el ); }); this.$el.append('
'); var m = Metamaps.Famous.maps.surf; m.setContent(this.el); setTimeout(function(){ var height = $(that.el).height() + 32 + 56; m.setSize([undefined, height]); }, 100); if (!initialized) { m.deploy(m._currTarget); initialized = true; setTimeout(function(){ var height = $(that.el).height() + 32 + 56; m.setSize([undefined, height]); }, 100); } Metamaps.Loading.hide(); setTimeout((function(localCurrentPage){ return function(){ var path = (Metamaps.currentSection == "") ? "" : "/explore/" + localCurrentPage; // alter url if for mapper profile page if (that.collection && that.collection.mapperId) { path += "/" + that.collection.mapperId; } Metamaps.Router.navigate(path); }})(Metamaps.currentPage), 500); }, handleSuccess: function () { var that = this; if (this.collection && this.collection.id === "mapper") { this.fetchUserThenRender(); } else { this.render(); } }, handleError: function () { console.log('error loading maps!'); //TODO }, fetchUserThenRender: function () { var that = this; // first load the mapper object and then call the render function $.ajax({ url: "/users/" + this.collection.mapperId + "/details.json", success: function (response) { that.render(response); }, error: function () { } }); } }); Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps = new mapsWrapper(); }; })();