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/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et: */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fifo.h"
#define DEBUG 0
* Constructeur de la file (d'index de noeuds) Fifo_t
* @param size Longueur maximum de la Fifo_t
* @return Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t cr<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>e
Fifo_t * fifo_create(nodeindex_t size){
Fifo_t * fifo = (Fifo_t *) malloc (sizeof(Fifo_t));
fifo->_fill = 0;
pDEBUG("Fifo size : %ld\n", size);
fifo->_size = size;
fifo->_head = -1;
fifo->_tail = -1;
fifo->_data = (nodeindex_t *) malloc (sizeof(nodeindex_t) * size);
return fifo;
Fifo_t * fifo_copy(Fifo_t * fifo){
pDEBUG("Fifo size : %ld\n", fifo->_size);
Fifo_t * result = fifo_create(fifo->_size);
result->_fill = fifo->_fill;
result->_head = fifo->_head;
result->_tail = fifo->_tail;
memcpy(result->_data, fifo->_data, (sizeof(nodeindex_t) * fifo->_size));
return result;
void fifo_reverse(Fifo_t * fifo){
pDEBUG("Fifo size : %ld\n", fifo->_size);
// pour chaque element du fifo on inverse sa position
nodeindex_t tail = fifo->_tail;
nodeindex_t head = fifo->_head;
nodeindex_t fillcounter = 0;
if (fifo->_fill > 0){
while( (2 * fillcounter) < fifo->_fill ){
pDEBUG("head %ld tail %ld swap %ld and %ld\n",
head, tail, fifo->_data[head],
nodeindex_t tmp = fifo->_data[head];
fifo->_data[head] = fifo->_data[tail];
fifo->_data[tail] = tmp;
tail += -1;
head += 1;
if (tail < 0) { tail = fifo->_size - 1; }
if (head >= fifo->_size) { head = 0; }
fillcounter += 1;
* Destructeur de la file Fifo_t
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
void fifo_destroy(Fifo_t * fifo){
* Indique si la file Fifo_t est vide
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
* @return TRUE si la Fifo_t est vide, FALSE sinon
bool fifo_is_empty(Fifo_t * fifo){
bool result;
if ((fifo->_head == -1) && (fifo->_tail == -1)){
result = true;
} else {
result = false;
return result;
* Ajoute un <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment en fin de liste Fifo_t
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
* @param Un index de noeud a enregistrer dans la Fifo_t
void fifo_push(Fifo_t * fifo, nodeindex_t node){
pDEBUG("value %ld\n", node);
pnDEBUG("tail %ld ->", fifo->_tail);
if (fifo->_tail == -1){
pnDEBUG("(undef) ");
assert(fifo->_head == -1);
fifo->_tail = 0;
fifo->_head = 0;
} else {
fifo->_tail += 1;
if (fifo->_tail >= fifo->_size){
fifo->_tail = 0;
pnDEBUG("(loop) ");
fifo->_data[fifo->_tail] = node;
fifo->_fill += 1;
pnDEBUG("%ld\n", fifo->_tail);
assert(fifo->_fill <= fifo->_size);
* Lit sans retirer le premier <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment de la Fifo_t
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
* @return Le premier <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment de la Fifo_t
nodeindex_t fifo_front(Fifo_t * fifo){
nodeindex_t result ;
result = fifo->_data[fifo->_head];
pDEBUG("value %ld\n", result);
pDEBUG("head at %ld\n", fifo->_head);
return result;
* Lit et retire le premier <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment de la Fifo_t
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
* @return Le premier <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment de la Fifo_t
nodeindex_t fifo_pop(Fifo_t * fifo){
nodeindex_t result ;
result = fifo->_data[fifo->_head];
pDEBUG("value %ld\n", result);
pnDEBUG("head %ld -> ", fifo->_head);
fifo->_head += 1;
if (fifo->_head >= fifo->_size){
fifo->_head = 0;
fifo->_fill -= 1;
if (fifo->_fill == 0){
pnDEBUG("(empty) ");
fifo->_head = -1;
fifo->_tail = -1;
assert(fifo->_fill >= 0);
pnDEBUG("%ld\n", fifo->_head);
return result;
* Lit un <EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>ment au hasard dans la file Fifo_t
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
nodeindex_t fifo_get_random(Fifo_t * fifo){
nodeindex_t idx = rand() % fifo_get_size(fifo);
nodeindex_t result;
pDEBUG("between %ld and %ld (size %ld)\n",
idx += fifo->_head;
if (idx >= fifo->_size){
idx = idx % (fifo->_size);
result = fifo->_data[idx];
pDEBUG("gives %ld (value = %ld)\n",idx, result);
return result;
* Indique la taille de la file Fifo_t pass<EFBFBD>e en param<EFBFBD>tre
* @param Un pointeur sur la Fifo_t
nodeindex_t fifo_get_size(Fifo_t * fifo){
return fifo->_fill;
* Affiche le contenu de la file Fifo_t sur la sortie
* standard
void fifo_display(Fifo_t * fifo){
int idx = fifo->_head;
bool done = false;
pDEBUG(" ");
while (!done){
if (idx == -1) { break; }
if (idx == fifo->_tail) { done = true; }
printf("%ld", fifo->_data[idx]);
if (!done){ printf(", "); }
idx += 1;
if (idx >= fifo->_size){ idx = 0; }
printf(" ]\n");
#undef DEBUG