class Bordle class TargetWord def initialize(@target_word : String) end def equals?(word) @target_word == word end def to_h() hash = Hash(Char, Array(Int32)).new @target_word.each_char_with_index do |char, index| hash[char] = [] of Int32 unless hash.has_key? char hash[char] << index end hash end def diff(word) hash = self.to_h result = [] of LetterScore # REF = r a t e s # TEST= c e r e t word.each_char_with_index do |char, index| if ! hash.has_key? char result << {char, Score::NotOk} next end char_values = hash[char] char_misplaced = {|pos| @target_word[pos] != word[pos] } char_wellplaced = {|pos| @target_word[pos] == word[pos] } # puts "values(#{char}) = #{char_values}" # puts "misplaced(#{char}) = #{char_misplaced}" # puts "wellplaced(#{char}) = #{char_wellplaced}" if char_wellplaced.includes? index result << {char, Score::RightPlace} char_wellplaced.reject! {|pos| pos == index } hash[char] = char_misplaced + char_wellplaced hash.delete(char) if hash[char].empty? next end if ! char_misplaced.empty? result << {char, Score::WrongPlace} char_misplaced = char_misplaced.skip(1) hash[char] = char_misplaced + char_wellplaced hash.delete(char) if hash[char].empty? next end result << {char, Score::NotOk} end result end end end