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This tool is ideal for those who seek an alternative to tools like GitHub Copilot, enabling a tailored interaction with your favorite LLM. ## Features * Preload and concatenate files from a given directory. * Customizable header and footer prompts for your LLM. * Simple command-line interface for easy operation. ## Limitations **Note:** This tool is optimized for smaller codebases. For larger repositories, performance may not be optimal due to processing constraints and the nature of interactions with LLMs. ## Prerequisites Before installing and using Code-Preloader, make sure your system meets the following requirements: 1. **Crystal Language**: Code-Preloader is written in Crystal. Ensure you have the Crystal programming language installed on your system. For installation instructions, refer to the [official Crystal language website](https://crystal-lang.org/install/). 2. **Required Libraries**: The following libraries are necessary for the proper functioning of Code-Preloader: * `libevent`: Used for asynchronous event notification. * `libyaml`: Required for YAML parsing. * `libmagic`: Utilized for file type detection. * `make`: Used to define compilation rules On a Debian-based system, you can install these libraries using the following command: ```bash sudo apt-get install libevent-dev libyaml-dev libmagic-dev make ``` ## Installation To get started with Code-Preloader, ensure that you have the prerequisites installed on your system (see above). Then follow these steps to install: ```bash git clone https://code.apps.glenux.net/glenux/code-preloader cd code-preloader make prepare make build make install ``` ## Usage ### Packing directory content Run Code-Preloader with the following command-line options: ``` Usage: code-preloader pack [options] DIR ... Global options: --version Show version -h, --help Show this help Pack options: -i REGEXP, --ignore=REGEXP Ignore file or directory -o FILE, --output=FILE Write output to FILE -H FILE, --header-prompt=FILE Load header prompt from FILE -F FILE, --footer-prompt=FILE Load footer prompt from FILE -c FILE, --config=FILE Load parameters from FILE ``` #### Basic Use Case To preload all files in the `src` directory and output to `result.txt`, while ignoring the `git` the `bin` directory, and the result file itself: ```bash ./bin/code-preloader pack -o result.txt -i .git -i result.txt -i bin/ src ``` #### Advanced Use Case To preload all files in the `src` directory and output to clipboard, prepending and appending prompts, while ignoring the `git` the `bin` directory, and the result file itself: ```bash ./bin/code-preloader pack \ -i .git -i bin/ -i result.txt -i prompts \ -H prompts/context.txt -F prompts/request-readme.txt \ src \ | ctrlc ``` __Note__ `ctrlc` is my alias to `xclip -selection clipboard -i` ### Using a config file You can automatically create an empty configuratio file by running Code-Preloader with the following command-line options: ``` Usage: code-preloader init [options] Global options: --version Show version -h, --help Show this help Init options: -c FILE, --config=FILE Load parameters from FILE ``` #### Example: Advanced with configuration file Given the following configuration file (ex: `code_preloader.yml`). ```yaml --- ignore_list: - .git - code_preloader.yml - bin - prompts output_file_path: null header_prompt_file_path: prompts/context.txt footer_prompt_file_path: prompts/request-readme.txt ``` You can type a shorter command like: ```bash ./bin/code-preloader -c code_preloader.yml src | ctrlc ``` __Note__ `ctrlc` is my alias to `xclip -selection clipboard -i` ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. ## Troubleshooting and Support If you encounter any issues or need support, please open an issue in the project's GitHub issue tracker. We strive to be responsive and helpful. ## License Distributed under the LGPL-3.0-or-later License. See `LICENSE` file for more information. ## Acknowledgments * A special thanks to all contributors and users of this project for their valuable feedback and support. * Inspired by the community's need for efficient code preparation tools in the context of AI-assisted programming. ## Related projects * [mpoon/gpt-repository-loader](https://github.com/mpoon/gpt-repository-loader)