Debian-repository for Docker ============================ A local repository for publishing deb files for use with apt. This docker box provides an apt repository based on the tool reprepro. The repository is served by an nginx server. Usage ----- ### Running the box Get the box from docker's automated builds docker pull glenux/debian-repository Run with 22 and 80 ports opened. Share a directory containing you public SSH keys. docker run -d -v $(pwd)/keys:/docker/keys -p 49160:22 -p 49161:80 glenux/debian-repository ### Uploading packages Fill your ``~/`` with the following content : [DEFAULT] default_host_main = docker [docker] fqdn = localhost method = scp login = user incoming = /docker/incoming ssh_config_options = Port 9022 StrictHostKeyChecking no Then upload the latest package you maintain : $ dput ~/src/foobar_0.1.10_amd64.changes Trying to upload package to docker Uploading to docker (via scp to foobar_0.1.10_all.deb 100% 39KB 39.3KB/s 00:00 foobar_0.1.10.dsc 100% 488 0.5KB/s 00:00 foobar_0.1.10.tar.gz 100% 826KB 826.0KB/s 00:00 foobar_0.1.10_amd64.changes 100% 1488 1.5KB/s 00:00 Successfully uploaded packages. ### Accessing the repository Add the following line to your source list deb http://localhost:49161/debian unstable main contrib non-free Credits ------- Got questions? Need help? Tweet at [@glenux]( Debian-Repository for Docker is maintained and funded by [Glenux]( License ------- Debian-Repository for Docker is Copyright © 2014 Glenux. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.