#!/usr/bin/make -f ## Configure this part if you wish to DEPLOY_REPO= DEPLOY_OPTS= BUILD_DIR=_build DOCS_PORT=5100 SLIDES_PORT=5200 ## Find slides SLIDES_MD=$(shell find slides \( -name '*.md' ! -name '_*' \)) SLIDES_PDF=$(patsubst slides/%.md,$(BUILD_DIR)/slides/%.pdf,$(SLIDES_MD)) DOCS_IMAGES_DOT=$(shell find docs \( -name '*.dot' ! -name '_*' \)) DOCS_IMAGES_DOT_SVG=$(patsubst docs/%.dot,docs/%.dot.svg,$(DOCS_IMAGES_DOT)) DOCS_IMAGES_CIRCO=$(shell find docs \( -name '*.circo' ! -name '_*' \)) DOCS_IMAGES_CIRCO_SVG=$(patsubst docs/%.circo,docs/%.circo.svg,$(DOCS_IMAGES_CIRCO)) DOCS_IMAGES_SVG=$(DOCS_IMAGES_DOT_SVG) $(DOCS_IMAGES_CIRCO_SVG) all: help ## ## Install prerequisites ## prepare: prepare-slides prepare-docs ## install prerequisites prepare-slides: ## install prerequisites for PDF slides only npm install prepare-docs: ## install prerequisites for static docs site only pipenv install .PHONY: prepare prepare-slides prepare-docs images: $(DOCS_IMAGES_SVG) ## build images @echo Dot: $(DOCS_IMAGES_DOT) @echo Circo: $(DOCS_IMAGES_CIRCO) @echo Built: $(DOCS_IMAGES_SVG) .PHONY: images %.dot.svg: %.dot dot -Tsvg $< > $@ %.circo.svg: %.circo circo -Tsvg $< > $@ watch: ## run development server pipenv run honcho start watch-docs-internal: pipenv run mkdocs serve --dev-addr$(DOCS_PORT) watch-slides-internal: PORT=$(SLIDES_PORT) npx marp --engine $$(pwd)/.marp/engine.js --html --theme $$(pwd)/.marp/theme.css -w slides -s watch-slides: ## run development server for PDF slides pipenv run honcho start slides watch-docs: ## run development server for static docs site pipenv run honcho start docs toc serve: watch serve-slides: watch-slides serve-docs: watch-docs .PHONY: watch watch-slides watch-docs watch-slides-internal watch-docs-internal serve serve-docs serve-slides tocupdate: while inotifywait -q -e move -e modify -e create -e attrib -e delete -e moved_to -r docs ; do \ sleep 0.2 ; \ make images ; \ pipenv run ./scripts/update-toc ; \ done $(BUILD_DIR)/slides/%.pdf: slides/%.md mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/slides npx marp --allow-local-files \ --engine $$(pwd)/.marp/engine.js \ --html \ --theme theme.css \ $< \ -o $@ ## ## Build final documents ## ## slides => PDF ## docs => static web site ## build: build-docs build-slides ## build all documents build-slides: $(SLIDES_PDF) $(SLIDES_MD) ## build PDF slides only build-docs: ## build static docs site only pipenv run mkdocs build --site-dir $(BUILD_DIR)/docs .PHONY: build build-slides deploy-docs: ## deploy static docs site to github git push $(DEPLOY_REPO) pipenv run mkdocs gh-deploy $(DEPLOY_OPTS) help: ## print this help @echo "Usage: make <target>" @echo "" @echo "With one of following targets:" @echo "" @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} \ /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / \ { sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2); \ printf("\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2); \ }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo "" ## ## Clean ## clean: clean-slides clean-docs # remove generated documents clean-slides: rm -fr $(BUILD_DIR)/slides # remove generated PDF slides clean-docs: rm -fr $(BUILD_DIR)/docs # remove generated static docs site .PHONY: clean clean-slides clean-docs