#!/usr/bin/env python3 import click import os import re import pdb import pprint from pathlib import Path pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint class TocBuilder: def __init__(self, root_path): self.root_path = root_path # Helper for titles def __get_title(self, fn): if not os.path.exists(fn): return None f1 = open(fn, "r") for line in f1: m = re.match(r"^#\s(.*)$", line) if m: f1.close() return m.groups()[0] f1.close() return None def lookup(self): md_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root_path): for fn in files: print("Found {}".format(fn)) # compute absolute and relative path abs_path = os.path.join(root, fn) rel_path = os.path.relpath(abs_path, self.root_path) # split name into parts bname = os.path.basename(rel_path) bname_split = os.path.splitext(bname) dname = os.path.dirname(rel_path) # skip files in docs/ root if dname == "": continue # skip files starting with '_' if bname_split[0][0] == '_': continue # skip index files if bname_split[0] == 'index': continue # keep only .md files print("* keeping {}".format(rel_path)) if bname_split[1] == '.md': md_files.append(rel_path) return md_files def format(self, md_files): lines = ["nav:"] lastdir="" for f in sorted(md_files): bname = os.path.basename(f) bname_split = os.path.splitext(bname) dname = os.path.dirname(f) if lastdir != dname: lastdir = dname title = self.__get_title(os.path.join(self.root_path, dname, 'index.md')) if title is not None: lines.append(" - \"%s\":" % title) else: lines.append(" - \"%s\":" % dname) lines.append(" - %s" % f) return lines class FileInjector: def __init__(self, delimiter): self.delimiter = delimiter def inject(self, filename, lines): suffix = '~update_toc' src_fh = open(filename, 'r') dst_fh = open(filename + suffix, 'w') inject_mode = False end_pattern = r"^#\s+END {0}\s*$".format(self.delimiter) begin_pattern = r"^#\s+BEGIN {0}\s*$".format(self.delimiter) for src_line in src_fh: if (not inject_mode) and re.match(begin_pattern, src_line): # activate inject_mode, write begin pattern and lines inject_mode = True dst_fh.write(src_line) for line in lines: dst_fh.write(line + "\n") elif inject_mode and re.match(end_pattern, src_line): # disable inject_mode and write end pattern inject_mode = False dst_fh.write(src_line) elif inject_mode: # skip line if injection mode is active next else: # simple copy if injection mode is NOT active dst_fh.write(src_line) # si la ligne < # FIXME: error if inject_mode is still True src_fh.close() dst_fh.close() os.rename(filename + suffix, filename) # build TOC in-memory # # open mkdocs.yml file # save part before @click.command() @click.argument('docs_directory') def build(docs_directory): root_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent toc = TocBuilder(docs_directory) md_files = toc.lookup() md_toc = toc.format(md_files) fi = FileInjector('MKDOCS-TOC') fi.inject(str(root_path / 'mkdocs.yml'), md_toc) if __name__ == '__main__': build()