require 'highline' class Epafh::App < Thor class InvalidConfiguration < RuntimeError ; end CONFIG_FILE = 'config/secrey.yml' CONFIG_DEFAULT = { 'imap' => { 'server' => '', 'login' => '', 'password' => '' }, 'crm' => { 'baseurl' => '', 'login' => '', 'password' => '' } } include Thor::Actions default_task :crawl desc 'config', 'Initialize configuration' def config puts "Welcome to Epafh !".green config = CONFIG_DEFAULT if File.exist? Epafh::EPAFI_CONFIG_FILE then config = config.merge(YAML::load( Epafh::EPAFI_CONFIG_FILE ) ) || {}) end imap_params = { server: {desc: 'IMAP hostname ? ' }, login: {desc: 'IMAP username ? ' }, password: {desc: 'IMAP password ? ', hidden: true} } crm_params = { baseurl: {desc: 'CRM base url ? ' }, login: {desc: 'CRM username ? ' }, password: {desc: 'CRM password ? ', hidden: true} } config['imap'] = config_with_rules config['imap'], imap_params config['crm'] = config_with_rules config['crm'], crm_params FileUtils.mkdir_p(Epafh::EPAFI_CONFIG_DIR), 'w'){|f| f.write(config.to_yaml)} end desc 'crawl', 'Crawls email to save mails' def crawl parse_configuration ## Run application app = @config app.connect! app.examine_all app.disconnect! end def initialize *args @config = {} super end private # Ask parameters, with rule constraints # def config_with_rules cfg_in, rules cli = cfg_out = cfg_in.clone # Loop parameter rules {|param,values| [param.to_s,values] } .each do |param, values| backup = cfg_out[param] backup_hidden = cfg_out[param].gsub(/./,'*') cfg_out[param] = cli.ask(values[:desc]) do |q| # Disable echo if hidden enabled q.echo = '*' if values[:hidden] # Replace default value by stars if hidden if not cfg_out[param].empty? then q.default = if (values[:hidden]) then backup_hidden else cfg_out[param] end end end # When RETURN is pressed, Highline uses default (starred) # We have to replace it with the real value if values[:hidden] and cfg_out[param] == backup_hidden then cfg_out[param] = backup end end cfg_out end def parse_configuration ## Load configuration @config.merge! Hash.transform_keys_to_symbols( YAML::load( Epafh::EPAFI_CONFIG_FILE ) ) ) ## Validate configuration structure validations = { crm: { baseurl: lambda { |url| url =~ URI::regexp }, login: 'string', password: 'string' }, imap: { server: 'string', login: 'string', password: 'string' } } validator = HashValidator.validate(@config, validations) raise InvalidConfiguration, "Configuration is not valid: #{validator.errors.inspect}" unless validator.valid? end end