# TODO : Fixes and ideas for the future ## Add developper profile in a global config file In `~/.config/git-timecost` : ``` --- profiles: - name: Glenn Y. Rolland emails: - glenux@glenux.net - glenux@gmail.com times: tz: Europe/Paris - weekday: monday begin: 09 end: 18 costs: base: 70 overtime: 140 - name: Prabin Karki emails: - pkarki@gmail.com hours: tz: Asia/Kathmandu begin: 9 end: 18 costs: base: 20 overtime: 30 ``` Then display: - total normal hours - total overtime hours - total cost : $$ total\_cost = \sum_{person \in Profiles} \Big( \sum_{hour\_type \in \{normal, extra\}} \Big( spent\_time(hour\_type, person) * cost(hour\_type, person) \Big) \Big) $$ Then, depending on the person, chare ## Merge users Set-up a config file, either global or per repository With id => names associations, so we can merge users who commit with various names/emails/etc - name: "John Smith ", match: - "John S. ", - "John Smith ", - "J. Smith " - name: "Foo Bar ", match: - "Foo B. " - "Foo Bar " ## Per user scotch Different users have a different commit style & frequency. We should be able to define a per-user scotch. ## Automatic scotch : Use median delay between consecutive commits, per user def median(array) sorted = array.sort len = sorted.length return (sorted[(len - 1) / 2] + sorted[len / 2]) / 2.0 end