#!/usr/bin/env ruby # vim: set syntax=ruby ts=4 sw=4 noet : require 'pp' require 'date' require 'optparse' class GitExtractor class Commit attr_accessor :author, :commit, :date, :note def initialize commit @commit = commit @note = nil @author = nil @date = nil end end class Range attr_accessor :time_start, :time_stop, :commits def initialize commit @time_stop = DateTime.parse(commit.date) @time_start = @time_stop - (1.5 / 24.0) @commits = [commit] self end def merge range # B -----[----]---- # A --[----]------ # = ---[------]---- # minimum of both new_start = if range.time_start < @time_start then range.time_start else @time_start end new_end = if range.time_stop >= @time_stop then range.time_stop else @time_stop end @time_start = new_start @time_stop = new_end @commits.concat range.commits end def overlap? range result = false # Ref ----[----]----- # overlapping : # A -[----]-------- # B -------[----]-- # C -[----------]-- # D ------[]------- # non-overlapping : # E -[]------------ # F -----------[]-- start_before_start = (range.time_start < @time_start) start_after_start = (range.time_start >= @time_start) start_after_stop = (range.time_start >= @time_stop) start_before_stop = (range.time_start < @time_stop) stop_before_stop = (range.time_stop < @time_stop) stop_after_stop = (range.time_stop >= @time_stop) stop_before_start = (range.time_stop < @time_start) stop_after_start = (range.time_stop >= @time_start) # A case if start_before_start and start_before_stop and stop_after_start and stop_before_stop then result = true end # B case if start_after_start and start_before_stop and stop_after_start and stop_after_stop then result = true end # C case if start_before_start and start_before_stop and stop_after_start and stop_after_stop then result = true end # D case if start_after_start and start_before_stop and stop_after_start and stop_before_stop then result = true end return result end def fixed_start return @time_start + (0.5/24.0) end def diff return ("%.2f" % ((@time_stop - fixed_start).to_f * 24)).to_f end def to_s val = "(%s) %s - %s\n" % [diff, fixed_start, @time_stop] @commits.each do |commit| r = "\t* " + commit.author + "\n" r += commit.note.split(/\n/).map{ |s| "\t %s" % s }.join "\n" val += r + "\n" end return val end end class RangeList def initialize @ranges = [] end def add range merged = false # merge @ranges.each do |old| #pp old if old.overlap? range then old.merge range merged = true end end # add if needed if not merged then @ranges.push range end end def sum result = 0 @ranges.each do |r| result += r.diff end return result end end def initialize # FIXME: accept multiple authors @config = { :author_filter => ".*?", :verbose => false } @rangelist = nil end def parse_cmdline args OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename $0} [options]" opts.on("-v","--verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v| @config[:verbose] = true end opts.on("-a","--author AUTHOR", "Only keep commits for AUTHOR") do |author| @config[:author_filter] = author end end end def exec # git log # foreach, create time range (before) + logs process = IO.popen ["git", "log", "--date=iso"] @rangelist = RangeList.new commit = nil loop do line = process.gets break if line.nil? line.strip! case line when /^commit (.*)$/ then id = $1 # merge ranges & push unless commit.nil? then range = GitExtract::Range.new commit rangelist.add range end commit = Commit.new id #puts "commit #{id}" when /^Author:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ then break if commit.nil? commit.author = $1 if not commit.author =~ /#{@config[:author_filter]}/ then commit = nil # reject end when /^Date:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ then break if commit.nil? commit.date = $1 when /^\s*$/ then # skip else break if commit.nil? # add as note commit.note = if commit.note.nil? then line else commit.note + "\n" + line end end def exec end end end def report pp @rangelist puts "SUM: %s" % @rangelist.sum exit 0 end end app = GitExtractor.new app.parse_cmdline ARGV app.exec app.report