module Hodler class Cli alias Options = { wallet_file: String, } # @config : Config? @options : Options? def initialize # @config = nil @options = nil end def parse_options(args) : Options # default values wallet_file = XDGBasedir.full_path("hodler/wallet.yml", :config, :read).as(String) # parse OptionParser.parse(args) do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: hodler [arguments]" parser.on "-w WALLET_FILE", "--wallet=WALLET_FILE", "Use the following wallet file" do |file| wallet_file = file end # parser.on "-f DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML", "--config=DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML", "Use the following docker-compose file" do |file| # docker_compose_yml = file # end parser.on "-v", "--version", "Show version" do puts "version #{Version::VERSION}" exit 0 end parser.on "-h", "--help", "Show help" do puts parser exit 0 end complete_with "hodler", parser end @options = { wallet_file: wallet_file } return end def app = app.parse_options(args) # config = app.load_config(opts["config_file"]) # env_config = App.get_config(config, opts["environment"]) end end end