Video: load intro image.

This commit is contained in:
Glenn Y. Rolland 2011-02-04 15:23:52 +01:00
parent a7cfa81c3b
commit 701ee1709e

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@ -35,7 +35,23 @@ let init config =
in (
video.width <- config.Config.video_width ;
video.height <- config.Config.video_height ;
video.screen <- Some screen_surface
(* FIXME: test that screen surface exists *)
video.screen <- Some screen_surface ;
let image_intro_filename = "images/intro.jpg" in
let image_intro = Sdlloader.load_image image_intro_filename in
let image_intro_position = Sdlvideo.rect 0 0 640 480
in (
(* fill with white *)
Sdlvideo.fill_rect screen_surface (Sdlvideo.map_RGB screen_surface Sdlvideo.white) ;
Sdlvideo.put_pixel screen_surface ~x:160 ~y:100
(Sdlvideo.map_RGB screen_surface;
Sdlvideo.flip screen_surface ;
(* draw intro image *)
Sdlvideo.blit_surface ~dst_rect:image_intro_position
~src:image_intro ~dst:screen_surface ();
Sdlvideo.flip screen_surface ;