type maze_t = Block of string | Wall of int | Empty of int type bonus_t = | Add_one_life | Steal_one_life (* graal *) | Speed ;; type malus_t = | Remove_one_life | Slow_down ;; type item_t = | Lifelong_bonus of bonus_t | Lifelong_malus of malus_t | Limited_malus of malus_t * int (* seconds *) | Limited_bonus of bonus_t * int (* seconds *) type bomb_action_t = | Explode type direction_t = | Top | Bottom | Left | Right ;; type player_action_t = | Move of direction_t | Push_bomb of direction_t | Jump_walls of int ;; type bomb_modifier_t = | Cross of int | Square of int | Fungus of int (* time to live *) ;; type bomb = { player: player_t ; modifiers: bomb_modifier_t list };; type bomb_action_t = | Appear_at of int * int | Explode;; type action_t = | Bomb of bomb_action_t | Player of player_action_t | Display of int * int * string ;; let main () = Graphics.open_graph " 320x200+50+50"; Graphics.set_window_title "Just Nuke It"; Graphics.wait_next_event []; Graphics.close_graph () ;; main ();