(* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et : *) open Event;; type config_t = { mutable width : int ; mutable height : int; } type notification_t = | Graphics_status of Graphics.status | Tick ;; type game_event_t = | MoveLeft | MoveRight | MoveUp | MoveDown | Action | ActionTwo | Help | Quit | NoEvent ;; let image_filename = "images/test.png" ;; let string_of_keyboard_event event = try let chr = Sdlkey.char_of_key event.Sdlevent.keysym in String.make 1 chr with | Invalid_argument _ -> "unknown-key" ;; let rec event_loop () = print_endline "Event_loop..."; Sdltimer.delay 20; let match_event event = ( match event with | Sdlevent.KEYDOWN {Sdlevent.keysym=Sdlkey.KEY_ESCAPE} -> print_endline "You pressed escape! The fun is over now." | Sdlevent.KEYDOWN event -> Keyboard.handle_event event; let keystr = string_of_keyboard_event event in print_endline ("You pressed " ^ keystr); event_loop () | _ -> event_loop () ) in let event_opt = Sdlevent.poll () in match event_opt with | None -> event_loop () | Some event -> match_event event; ;; let game_loop ~screen = let image = Sdlloader.load_image image_filename and image_from = Sdlvideo.rect 0 0 300 300 and image_to = Sdlvideo.rect 100 0 300 300 in Sdlvideo.blit_surface ~src:image ~src_rect:image_from ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:image_to (); Sdlvideo.flip screen; (* let action_fun = event_loop () ; *) game_loop screen ;; let main () = let player1 = Player.create () and map1 = Maze.create () and config = { width = 640 ; height = 480 } in ignore player1 ; ignore map1 ; (* open window *) Sdl.init [`VIDEO]; at_exit Sdl.quit; Sdlttf.init (); at_exit Sdlttf.quit; (* set parameters & title *) let screen = Sdlvideo.set_video_mode config.width config.height [`DOUBLEBUF] in game_loop ~screen:screen; (* close window *) ;; main ();