(* vim: set st=2 sw=2 et : *) type game_t = { mutable level: Level.t ; mutable players: Player.t option array ; (* monsters: Monster.monster.t array ; *) mutable timeline : Timeline.t ; mutable config : Config.t ; mutable actions : Action.t list ; mutable quit : bool ; } let create () = let level_data = Level.create () and players_data = Array.make 2 (Some( Player.create() )) and timeline_data = Timeline.create () and config_data = Config.create () in { level = level_data ; players = players_data ; timeline = timeline_data ; config = config_data ; actions = [] ; quit = false ; } ;; let configure game = Config.parse_cmdline game.config; Config.parse_file game.config ;; let init game = Video.init game.config; Mouse.init () ; Keyboard.init () ; () ;; let add_actions game = let anon_handler anon_ev = match anon_ev with (* key events *) | Sdlevent.KEYDOWN key_ev -> Keyboard.handle_event key_ev | Sdlevent.KEYUP key_ev -> Keyboard.handle_event key_ev (* mouse events *) | Sdlevent.MOUSEMOTION mouse_ev -> Mouse.handle_event mouse_ev | Sdlevent.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN mouse_ev -> Mouse.handle_event mouse_ev | Sdlevent.MOUSEBUTTONUP mouse_ev -> Mouse.handle_event mouse_ev (* joystick events *) | Sdlevent.JOYAXISMOTION _ -> Joystick.handle_event | Sdlevent.JOYBALLMOTION _ -> Joystick.handle_event | Sdlevent.JOYHATMOTION _ -> Joystick.handle_event | Sdlevent.JOYBUTTONDOWN _ -> Joystick.handle_event | Sdlevent.JOYBUTTONUP _ -> Joystick.handle_event (* video events *) | Sdlevent.VIDEORESIZE _ -> Video.handle_event | Sdlevent.VIDEOEXPOSE -> Video.handle_event | Sdlevent.ACTIVE _ -> Video.handle_event (* system events *) | Sdlevent.QUIT -> (fun x -> ignore x ; [Action.Quit] ) | Sdlevent.SYSWM -> (fun x -> ignore x ; [Action.None] ) (* user defined events *) | Sdlevent.USER user_ev -> (fun x -> ignore x ; ignore user_ev ; [Action.None] ) in let some_event = Sdlevent.poll () in match some_event with | Some anon_ev -> let specific_handler = anon_handler anon_ev in (* return actions resulting from selected handler *) game.actions <- ( game.actions @ ( specific_handler anon_ev ) ) ; () | None -> () ;; (** Looping while the program is active *) let rec loop game = Sdltimer.delay 100 ; (* poll events and get actions *) add_actions game ; (* remove and run "head" action from action list *) (* and quit = match_quit anon_ev *) (* if not quit then loop game *) let remaining_actions () = ( game.actions != [] ) in while (remaining_actions ()) do let hd::tail = game.actions in game.actions <- tail ; if hd = Action.Quit then begin print_string "Leaving game...\n" ; game.quit <- true end else begin print_string "Executing action...\n" ; Action.execute hd end done ; if not game.quit then loop game ;;