module Kook class App CONFIG_DIR = File.join ENV['HOME'], '.config', 'kook' CONFIG_FILE = File.join CONFIG_DIR, 'config.yml' attr_accessor :verbose class ExistingProject < RuntimeError ; end class MissingProject < RuntimeError ; end def initialize super @projects = {} @config_file = CONFIG_FILE @verbose = false @current_project = nil end def list_projects projects_exist = false @projects.each do |project_name,project_data| projects_exist = true exist = File.exist? project_data.path display_path = ( project_data.path.clone .gsub!(/#{ENV['HOME']}/,'~') .send(exist ? :green : :red) ) puts "%- 24s %s" % [project_name, display_path] end STDERR.puts "No project found." if not projects_exist end def add_project project_name, project_path=nil raise ExistingProject if @projects.has_key? project_name project_data = project_name project_data.path = project_path @projects[project_name] = project_data save end def remove_project project_name raise MissingProject if not @projects.has_key? project_name @projects.delete project_name save end def fire_project project_name raise MissingProject if not @projects.has_key? project_name project_path = @projects[project_name].path @projects[project_name].each_view do |view,view_data| target = ENV['KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE'] || 'org.kde.konsole' session=`qdbus #{target} /Konsole newSession`.strip system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} sendText \"cd #{project_path}\n\"" system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} sendText \"cd #{view_path}\n\"" system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} sendText \"clear\n\"" system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} setTitle 1 \"#{view}\"" next unless config['commands'][project].has_key? view config['commands'][project][view].each do |command| system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} sendText \"#{command}\"" system "qdbus org.kde.konsole /Sessions/#{session} sendText \"\n\"" end end end def add_view project_name, view_name, view_path=nil Project.validate_name project_name View.validate_name view_name raise MissingProject if not @projects.has_key? project_name project_path = @projects[project_name].path # simplify if current dir is a subdir of project base if view_path == project_path then view_path = '.' else view_path.gsub!(/^#{project_path}\//,'') end @projects[project_name].create_view view_name, view_path save end def list_views project_name raise MissingProject if not @projects.has_key? project_name # FIXME: return if config['views'][project].nil? @projects[project_name].each_view do |view_name,view_data| puts "%- 24s %s" % [view_name, view_data.path] #next if config['commands'][project].nil? or \ # config['commands'][project][view].nil? #config['commands'][project][view].each_index do |idx| # puts " % 4d. %s" % [ # idx, # config['commands'][project][view][idx] # ] #end end end def load config_file=nil config_file ||= @config_file @config_file = config_file if not File.exist? config_file then STDERR.puts "Missing config file #{config_file}" if @verbose return false end STDERR.puts "Loading main configuration #{config_file}..." if @verbose yaml = YAML::load_file config_file yaml['projects'].each do |project_name,project_path| # pp project_path #project_path = @config['projects'][project] project_file = kook_file_for project_path STDERR.puts "Loading sub configuration #{project_file}..." if @verbose if File.exist? project_file then subconfig = YAML::load_file project_file next if not subconfig @projects[project_name] = Project.from_hash subconfig, project_path end end return true end def save config_file=nil config_file ||= @config_file config_dir = File.dirname config_file if not File.exist? config_dir then FileUtils.mkdir_p config_dir end STDERR.puts "Saving to #{config_file}" if @verbose @projects.each do |project_name,project_data| # FIXME: test if project configuration is dirty project_file = File.join project_data.path, "Kookfile", "w") do |file| file.write project_data.to_hash.to_yaml end end, "w") do |file| file.write to_yaml end self end def current_project= project_name # FIXME: validate project name @current_project = project_name end def current_project return @current_project if not @current_project.nil? current_dir = Dir.pwd @projects.each do |project_name,project| if current_dir =~ /^#{project.path}/ then return project_name end end return nil end private def kook_file_for project_path kook_files = Dir.glob(File.join(project_path, 'Kookfile')) raise MissingProjectFile if kook_files.empty? kook_files.first end def to_yaml return { 'global' => {}, 'projects' => Hash[{ |p,v| [, v.path] }] }.to_yaml end end end