# Minimalist FUSE Manager --- ## Configuration Let's start by configuring `~/mnt/mfm.yml`! --- --- ## Configuration We can add as many filesystems we want in the `filesystems:` list. --- ## Configuration Each filesystem has a `type:` and specific configuration parameters The current values supported by *mfm* are `gocryptfs`, `httpdirfs` and `sshfs`. --- ## Preparation Before using *mfm*, lets have a look at the `~/mnt/` directory. --- --- ## Preparation Yes, it is empty! Don't worry, the mountpoint will be created automatically. --- ## Usage Ok. Now, simply run *mfm* and choose your favorite filesystem! In this demo, I will choose `Public - Debian Repository` which is a remote web page hosting debian packages and registy catalog. --- --- ## Usage Hmmm... What happened? --- ## Usage A directory was created in `~/mnt`. It is filled with files and directories from a remote system, in which we can navigate. --- ## Usage Let's detach it now! Simply run *mfm* again, and choose the same filesystem. --- --- ## Usage It is now detached, and the directory is empty again! --- ## Conclusion The *mfm* command works in the same way regardless of the filesystem selected. It's simple, fast and efficient. --- ## Conclusion The *mfm* project is still in its infancy. We're looking for contributors to test it, to improve it, to make it even more useful and enjoyable to use. --- ## Conclusion But if you're just a user, we're already happy. --- ## Conclusion Now it's your turn to use *mfm*!