# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Glenn Y. Rolland # Copyright © 2023 Glenn Y. Rolland require "./filesystems" module GX class Config Log = ::Log.for("config") enum Mode ConfigAdd ConfigDelete ConfigEdit ShowVersion Mount end record NoArgs record AddArgs, name : String, path : String record DelArgs, name : String getter filesystems : Array(Filesystem) getter home_dir : String property verbose : Bool property mode : Mode property path : String? property args : AddArgs.class | DelArgs.class | NoArgs.class def initialize() if !ENV["HOME"]? raise "Home directory not found" end @home_dir = ENV["HOME"] @verbose = false @mode = Mode::Mount @filesystems = [] of Filesystem @path = nil @args = NoArgs end def detect_config_file() possible_files = [ File.join(@home_dir, ".config", "mfm", "config.yaml"), File.join(@home_dir, ".config", "mfm", "config.yml"), File.join(@home_dir, ".config", "mfm.yaml"), File.join(@home_dir, ".config", "mfm.yml"), File.join("/etc", "mfm", "config.yaml"), File.join("/etc", "mfm", "config.yml"), ] possible_files.each do |file_path| if File.exists?(file_path) Log.info { "Configuration file found: #{file_path}" } return file_path if File.exists?(file_path) else Log.debug { "Configuration file not found: #{file_path}" } end end Log.error { "No configuration file found in any of the standard locations" } raise "Configuration file not found" end def load_from_file path = @path if path.nil? path = detect_config_file() end @path = path @filesystems = [] of Filesystem if !File.exists? path Log.error { "File #{path} does not exist!".colorize(:red) } exit(1) end load_filesystems(path) end private def load_filesystems(config_path : String) yaml_data = YAML.parse(File.read(config_path)) vaults_data = yaml_data["filesystems"].as_a vaults_data.each do |filesystem_data| type = filesystem_data["type"].as_s name = filesystem_data["name"].as_s # encrypted_path = filesystem_data["encrypted_path"].as_s @filesystems << Filesystem.from_yaml(filesystem_data.to_yaml) # @filesystems << Filesystem.new(name, encrypted_path, "#{name}.Open") end end end end