require "unibilium" require "tput" terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env tput = terminfo # Print detected features and environment p tput.features.to_json p tput.emulator.to_json # Set terminal emulator's title, if possible tput.title = "Test 123" # Set cursor to red block: tput.cursor_shape Tput::CursorShape::Block, blink: false tput.cursor_color Tput::Color::Red # Switch to "alternate buffer", print some text tput.alternate tput.cursor_pos 10, 20 tput.echo "Text at position y=10, x=20" tput.bell tput.lf tput.echo "Now displaying ACS chars:" tput.lf tput.smacs tput.echo "``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~" tput.rmacs tput.lf tput.echo "Press any keys; q to exit." # Listen for keypresses: tput.listen do |char, key, sequence| # Char is a single typed character, or the first character # of a sequence which led to a particular key. # Key is a keyboard key, if any. Ordinary characters like # 'a' or '1' don't have a representation as Key. Special # keys like Enter, F1, Esc etc. do. # Sequence is the complete sequence of characters which # were consumed as part of identifying the key that was # pressed. if char == 'q' tput.normal_buffer # tput.reset_cursor # tput.exit_alt_charset_mode # tput.attr("normal", 1) # tput.soft_reset system("stty echo") exit else tput.lf tput.echo "Char=#{char.inspect}, Key=#{key.inspect}, Sequence=#{sequence.inspect}" end end