#!/bin/sh # vim: set ft=sh : set -e set -u CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.config/gx-vault.yml" MNTDIR="$HOME/mnt" gxvault_gocryptfs_is_mounted() { src="$1" if LANG=C mount |grep -q "^$src on " ; then # >&2 echo "W: $src is already mounted" return 0 fi return 1 } gxvault_gocryptfs_mount() { name="$1" src="$2" dst="$3" mkdir -p "$dst" if [ ! -e "$src" ]; then printf '\033[31m-> Missing input directory. Skipping.\033[0m\n' return fi if LANG=C mount |grep -q "$src on $dst" ; then printf '\033[33m-> Already mounted. Skipping.\033[0m\n' return fi gocryptfs -idle 15m "$src" "$dst" printf '\033[32mVault %s is now available on %s\033[0m\n' "$name" "$(echo "$dst" |sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|")" } # Ensure that yq is installed with the right version gxvault_ensure_dependency_yq() { if ! hash yq >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then >&2 echo "ERROR: unable to find yq (yaml util)" exit 1 fi YQ_VERSION="$(yq --version |sed 's/.*version //' |cut -d '.' -f1 |sed -e 's/^v//' )" if [ "$YQ_VERSION" -lt 4 ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: installed version of yq is too old (found $YQ_VERSION instead of 4+)" exit 1 fi } # Ensure that all dependencies are installed gxvault_ensure_dependency_yq # Get list of sources SRC_LIST="$(mktemp)" SRC_COUNT="$(yq eval '.vaults[].name' "$CONFIG_FILE" |wc -l )" { for INDEX1 in $(seq 1 "$SRC_COUNT") ; do INDEX0=$((INDEX1 - 1)) CUR_NAME="$(yq eval ".vaults[$INDEX0].name" "$CONFIG_FILE")" CUR_DIR="$(yq eval ".vaults[$INDEX0].encrypted_path" "$CONFIG_FILE")" if gxvault_gocryptfs_is_mounted "$CUR_DIR" ; then printf "%s\v [\e[32mopen\e[0m]\n" "$CUR_NAME" else echo "$CUR_NAME" fi done } | sort > "$SRC_LIST" # cat "$SRC_LIST" SRC_NAME="$(fzf --ansi < "$SRC_LIST")" # echo "fzf: $SRC_NAME" SRC_NAME="$(echo "$SRC_NAME" |sed -e "s/\v.*//")" # echo "sed: $SRC_NAME" rm -f "$SRC_LIST" if [ -z "$SRC_NAME" ]; then echo "All vaults already mounted or no vaults defined" exit 0 fi SRC_DIR="$(yq eval ".vaults[] | select(.name == \"$SRC_NAME\").encrypted_path" "$CONFIG_FILE")" DST_DIR="$MNTDIR/$SRC_NAME.Open" if [ -z "$SRC_DIR" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: Unable to detect encrypted_path for $SRC_NAME" exit 1 fi if ! gxvault_gocryptfs_is_mounted "$SRC_DIR" ; then echo "Opening vault $SRC_NAME..." # echo " src_name=$SRC_NAME" # echo " src_dir=$SRC_DIR" # echo " dst_dir=$DST_DIR" gxvault_gocryptfs_mount \ "$SRC_NAME" \ "$SRC_DIR" \ "$DST_DIR" else echo "Closing vault $SRC_NAME..." fusermount -u "$DST_DIR" printf '\033[32mVault %s is now closed\033[0m\n' "$SRC_NAME" fi