package main import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "" "os" ) func main() { // Setup config fmt.Println("d: parsing config") config := NewConfig() config.Parse() fmt.Printf("%+v\n", config) // Get task list as markdown fmt.Println("d: configuring trello") trelloCtx := NewTrello(config.TrelloApiKey, config.TrelloToken) if trelloCtx == nil { fmt.Println("ERROR: Unable to initialize trello context") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("d: getting trello boards") var trelloBoardsList []TrelloBoard if len(config.TrelloUrl) > 0 { fmt.Printf("d: using given url %s\n", config.TrelloUrl) trelloBoard := trelloCtx.GetBoard(config.TrelloUrl) trelloBoardsList = append(trelloBoardsList, trelloBoard) } else { fmt.Println("d: fetching boards") trelloBoardsList = trelloCtx.GetBoards() } for _, trelloBoard := range trelloBoardsList { fmt.Printf("d: loading board %s\n", trelloBoard.Name) if !trelloBoard.Starred || trelloBoard.Closed { fmt.Println("d: skipping") continue } fmt.Println("d: exporting content") trelloMarkdown := trelloBoard.ExportToMarkdown() trelloHtml := trelloBoard.ExportToHtml() config.EmailSubject = fmt.Sprintf("Daily mail for %s", trelloBoard.Name) // Create email enveloppe email := mail.NewMessage() email.SetHeader("To", config.EmailTo[0]) if len(config.EmailTo) > 0 { email.SetHeader("Cc", config.EmailTo[1:]...) } email.SetHeader("From", config.EmailFrom) email.SetHeader("Subject", config.EmailSubject) email.SetBody(trelloHtml, trelloMarkdown) // Connect and send email var transport *mail.Dialer if len(config.SmtpUsername) > 0 { fmt.Println("transport w/ username") transport = mail.NewDialer( config.SmtpHostname, int(config.SmtpPort), config.SmtpUsername, config.SmtpPassword, ) // disable cert verification transport.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} } else { fmt.Println("transport w/ no username") transport = &mail.Dialer{ Host: config.SmtpHostname, Port: int(config.SmtpPort), } } if err := transport.DialAndSend(email); err != nil { panic(err) } } }