
79 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable file

require "log"
require "./lib/cli"
LOG = ::Log.for("noozoid")
#LOG =, level: Logger::WARN)
exit 0
# def print_help
# puts '= Commands ='
# puts ''
# puts '- Navigation -'
# puts "#{KEYS[:nav_parent]}: go to parent node"
# puts "#{KEYS[:nav_child]}: go to children node"
# puts "#{KEYS[:nav_previous]}: previous sibling"
# puts "#{KEYS[:nav_next]}: next sibling"
# puts ''
# puts "- Action -"
# puts "#{KEYS[:node_create]}: create child node"
# puts "#{KEYS[:node_delete]}: remove node"
# puts "#{KEYS[:node_toggle]}: toggle"
# puts ''
# puts "- Misc -"
# puts "#{KEYS[:main_help]}: show this help"
# puts "#{KEYS[:main_quit]}: exit program"
# puts '[press a key to continue]'
# read_command
# end
# def read_command
# system("stty raw -echo") #=> Raw mode, no echo
# char = STDIN.getc
# system("stty -raw echo") #=> Reset terminal mode
# char
# end
# if ARGV.empty?
# print 'Mindmap name: '
# current = root =
# end
# loop do
# print `clear`
# PrettyPrint.tree(root, current)
# cmd = read_command
# if cmd == KEYS[:node_create]
# print 'Title: '
# current[] =
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:node_delete]
# current.remove
# current = current.parent unless current.parent.nil?
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:node_toggle]
# current.toggle!
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:nav_child]
# current = current[0] if current.children?
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:nav_parent]
# current = current.parent unless current.parent.nil?
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:nav_previous]
# sibling = current >> -1
# current = sibling unless sibling.nil?
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:nav_next]
# sibling = current >> 1
# current = sibling unless sibling.nil?
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:nav_root]
# current = root
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:main_help]
# print_help
# elsif cmd == KEYS[:main_quit]
# puts 'Good Bye!'
# break
# end
# end