#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'Qt4' $DEBUG = true $VERBOSE = true require 'pp' require 'set' require 'fcntl' require 'pathname' $:.push "lib" require 'qasim' require 'qasim/qasim_qrc' # QaSiM // Qt Sshfs Mapper def _ str Qt::Object.tr(str) end module Qasim class QasimApp def initialize end end class QasimGui < QasimApp class LockError < RuntimeError ; end def initialize @config = Config.new #@config.parse_cmd_line ARGV @map_menu = nil @context_menu = nil @connect_error = {} @connect_running = {} end def dbus_notify title, body, icon bus = Qt::DBusConnection.sessionBus if !bus.connected? $stderr.puts("Cannot connect to the D-BUS session bus.\n" \ "To start it, run:\n" \ "\teval `dbus-launch --auto-syntax`\n") exit 1 end msg = Qt::DBusMessage.create_method_call( 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', 'Notify' ) msg.arguments = [ APP_NAME, Qt::Variant.from_value( 0, "unsigned int" ), icon, title, body, [], {}, -1 ] rep = bus.call( msg ) # if rep.type == Qt::DBusMessage # si.showMessage("Qasim", # "Sorry dude", 2, 5000 ) end # # Rebuild map menu # def build_map_menu # reload maps dynamically @config.parse_maps if @map_menu.nil? then @map_menu = Qt::Menu.new else @map_menu.clear end previous_host = nil @config.maps.sort do |mx,my| mx.host <=> my.host end.each do |map| if map.host != previous_host and not previous_host.nil? then @map_menu.addSeparator end itemx = Qt::Action.new(map.name, @map_menu) itemx.setCheckable true; if map.connected? then itemx.setChecked true end itemx.connect(SIGNAL(:triggered)) do action_trigger_map_item map, itemx end @map_menu.addAction itemx; previous_host = map.host end end # # Action when map item triggered # def action_trigger_map_item map, item @connect_error[map.path] = Set.new @connect_running[map.path] = 0 method = if map.connected? then :disconnect else :connect end begin map.send(method) do |linkname,cmd,cmd_args| process = Qt::Process.new process.connect(SIGNAL('finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)')) do |exitcode,exitstatus| #puts "exitcode = %s, exitstatus = %s" % [exitcode, exitstatus] @connect_running[map.path] -= 1 if exitcode != 0 then @connect_error[map.path].add linkname else end if @connect_running[map.path] == 0 then # display someting if @connect_error[map.path].empty? then dbus_notify "%s (%s)" % [APP_NAME, map.name], ("Map %sed successfully" % method.to_s), 'dialog-information' else erroneous = @connect_error[map.path].to_a.join(', ') dbus_notify "%s (%s)" % [APP_NAME, map.name], ("Unable to %s map
" % method.to_s) + ("Broken link(s): %s" % erroneous), 'dialog-error' end end end @connect_running[map.path] += 1 process.start cmd, cmd_args end rescue Map::ConnectError => e puts e.inspect end end # # # def build_context_menu @context_menu = Qt::Menu.new act_pref = Qt::Action.new _('&Preferences'), @context_menu act_pref.setIcon( Qt::Icon::fromTheme("configure") ) rescue nil act_pref.setIconVisibleInMenu true act_pref.setEnabled false act_pref.connect(SIGNAL(:triggered)) do res = @pref_dialog.show end @context_menu.addAction act_pref; act_about = Qt::Action.new '&About', @context_menu act_about.setIcon( Qt::Icon::fromTheme("help-about") ) rescue nil act_about.setIconVisibleInMenu true #act_about.setEnabled true act_about.connect(SIGNAL(:triggered)) do res = @about_dialog.show end @context_menu.addAction act_about; @context_menu.addSeparator act_quit = Qt::Action.new _('Quit'), @context_menu act_quit.setIcon( Qt::Icon::fromTheme("application-exit") ) rescue nil act_quit.setIconVisibleInMenu true act_quit.connect(SIGNAL(:triggered)) { @app.quit } @context_menu.addAction act_quit end # # # def build_interface @app = Qt::Application.new(ARGV) #Qt.debug_level = Qt::DebugLevel::High #Qt.debug_level = Qt::DebugLevel::Extensive @app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed false @main_win = Qt::MainWindow.new @systray = Qt::SystemTrayIcon.new @main_win @about_dialog = Qasim::Ui::About.new @main_win @pref_dialog = Qasim::Ui::Preferences.new @main_win std_icon = Qt::Icon.new( ":/qasim/qasim-icon" ) alt_icon = Qt::Icon.new blinking = false @systray.icon = std_icon @systray.show @systray.setToolTip("Qasim %s" % APP_VERSION); build_map_menu build_context_menu @systray.contextMenu = @context_menu @systray.connect(SIGNAL('activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)')) do |reason| case reason when Qt::SystemTrayIcon::Trigger then build_map_menu @map_menu.popup(Qt::Cursor::pos()) #blinking = !blinking #si.icon = blinking ? alt_icon : std_icon when Qt::SystemTrayIcon::MiddleClick then # when Qt::SystemTrayIcon::Context then # when Qt::SystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick then # end end end def lock_set begin # create an exclusive lock file have_lock = true FileUtils.mkdir_p APP_CONFIG_DIR unless File.exist? APP_CONFIG_DIR lockfname = File.join APP_CONFIG_DIR, "lock" fd = IO::sysopen( lockfname, Fcntl::O_WRONLY | Fcntl::O_EXCL | Fcntl::O_CREAT) f = IO.open(fd) f.syswrite( "#{Process.pid}\n" ) f.close rescue Errno::EEXIST => e # test if the other process still exist masterpid = File.read(lockfname).strip other_path = "/proc/#{masterpid.to_i}" STDERR.puts "testing %s" % other_path if File.exist? other_path then cmdline = File.read( File.join( other_path, 'cmdline' ) ) if cmdline =~ /qasim/ then raise LockError, "Another instance of %s is already running." % APP_NAME end end fd = IO::sysopen( lockfname, Fcntl::O_WRONLY | Fcntl::O_EXCL ) f = IO.open(fd) f.syswrite( "#{Process.pid}\n" ) f.close end end def lock_unset # remove lock if it exists lockfname = File.join APP_CONFIG_DIR, "lock" return unless File.exist? lockfname masterpid = File.read(lockfname).strip if masterpid.to_i == Process.pid then FileUtils.rm lockfname end end # # # def run Process.daemon(true) #FIXME: add foreground mode too lock_set @app.exec exit 0 rescue LockError STDERR.puts "Error: %s is already running" % APP_NAME exit 1 ensure lock_unset end # # # def self.main qasim = QasimGui.new qasim.build_interface qasim.run end end end Qasim::QasimGui::main