require 'fileutils' #require 'rdebug/base' require 'qasim' module Qasim class Map attr_reader :path, :host, :port, :enable, :user, :map, :name class MapParseError < RuntimeError ; end class ConnectError < RuntimeError ; end CYPHER_ARCFOUR = :arcfour CYPHER_AES256CBC = "aes-256-cbc".to_sym CYPHERS = [ CYPHER_ARCFOUR, CYPHER_AES256CBC ] # # Set defaults properties for maps # def initialize config, map_path @config = config @path = map_path @host = nil @port = 22 @enable = false @user = nil @cypher = :arcfour @links = {} @debug = false @name = (File.basename map_path).gsub(/\.map$/,'') self.load @path end # # Load map description from file # def load path=nil @path=path unless path.nil? #rdebug "Parsing map #{@path}" f = @path linect = 0 local_env = ENV.clone f.each do |line| line = line.strip linect += 1 while line =~ /\$(\w+)/ do #puts "FOUND PATTERN %s => %s" % [$1, local_env[$1]] case line when /\$\{(.+)\}/ then pattern = $1 puts pattern line.gsub!(/\$\{#{pattern}\}/,local_env[pattern]) when /\$(\w+)/ then pattern = $1 line.gsub!(/\$#{pattern}/,local_env[pattern]) else puts "w: unknown pattern: %s" % line end end case line when /^\s*REMOTE_USER\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ then @user = $1 #rdebug "d: remote_user => #{$1}" when /^\s*REMOTE_PORT\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ then @port = $1.to_i #rdebug "d: remote_port => #{$1}" when /^\s*REMOTE_HOST\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ then @host = $1 #rdebug "d: remote_host => #{$1}" when /^\s*REMOTE_CYPHER\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ then if{|x| x.to_s}.include? $1 then @host = $1.to_sym end when /^\s*MAP\s*=\s*(.*)\s+(.*)\s*$/ then @links[$1] = $2 #rdebug "d: link #{$1} => #{$2}" when /^\s*$/,/^\s*#/ then #rdebug "d: dropping empty line" else raise MapParseError, "parse error at #{@path}:#{linect}" end end f.close end # # Write map description to file # def write path=nil @path=path unless path.nil?, "w") do |f| f.puts "REMOTE_USER=%s" % @user f.puts "REMOTE_PORT=%s" % @port f.puts "REMOTE_HOST=%s" % @host f.puts "REMOTE_CYPHER=%s" % @cypher end end # # Test map liveness (how ?) # FIXME: not implemented # def online? #rdebug "testing online? %s " % self.inspect #FIXME: test liveness end # # Test if map is connected / mounted # def connected? f ="/proc/mounts") sshfs_mounted = ( do |line| line =~ /\s+fuse.sshfs\s+/ end).map do |line| line.split(/\s+/)[1] end f.close score = 0 @links.each do |name, remotepath| score += 1 local_path = File.join @config.mnt_dir, name if sshfs_mounted.include? local_path then score -= 1 end end if score == 0 then return true else return false # FIXME: explain why ? end end # # Connect map # def connect &block puts "[#{File.basename @path}] Connecting..." puts " #{@user}@#{@host}:#{@port}" #puts " links = %s" %{ |k,v| "%s => %s" % [ k, v ] }.join(', ') # do something # test server connection # mount # # FIXME: test connexion with Net::SSH + timeout or ask password @links.each do |name, remotepath| localpath = File.join ENV['HOME'], "mnt", name FileUtils.mkdir_p localpath cmd = "sshfs" cmd_args = [ "-o","allow_root" , "-o","idmap=user" , "-o","uid=%s" % Process.uid, "-o","gid=%s" % Process.gid, "-o","reconnect", "-o","workaround=all", "-o","cache_timeout=240", "-o","ServerAliveInterval=15", "-o","no_readahead", "-o","Ciphers=arcfour", "-o","Port=%s" % @port, "%s@%s:%s" % [@user,@host,remotepath], localpath ] #rdebug "command: %s" % [ cmd, cmd_args ].flatten.join(' ') if block_given? then yield name, cmd, cmd_args else system cmd, cmd_args if $?.exitstatus != 0 then raise ConnectError, self end end end end # # Disconnect map # def disconnect &block puts "Disconnecting map #{@path}" @links.each do |name, remotepath| localpath = File.join ENV['HOME'], "mnt", name cmd = "fusermount" cmd_args = [ "-u", #umount "-z" ,#lazy localpath ] #rdebug "command: %s" % [ cmd, cmd_args ].flatten.join(' ') if block_given? then yield name, cmd, cmd_args else system cmd, cmd_args if $?.exitstatus != 0 then raise ConnectError, self end end end end end end