[GH-54] Add a suse VM to our dev Vagrantfile so we can try things out

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Fabio Rehm 2013-11-06 19:44:11 -02:00
parent 6a8d661e97
commit 00c9cce50d

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@ -110,4 +110,19 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
pacman -Syu --noconfirm libffi git
HOME=/home/vagrant su -p vagrant -l -c "cd /vagrant && bundle"'
# Please note that we are not able to install chef on the VM, so when bringing
# this up we should always pass in `--provision-with=shell`
# TODO: Find out how to install chef on this or other box or find one that has
# it pre installed
config.vm.define :opensuse do |suse|
suse.vm.box = 'opensuse-12'
suse.vm.box_url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensusevagrant/files/12.3/opensuse-12.3-64.box/download'
configure_private_network.call suse, 15
suse.cache.enable_nfs = false
# This seems to not be working
suse.omnibus.chef_version = nil
suse.vm.provision :shell, inline: 'time zypper install -y git'