# Generic This bucket is never enabled by default. You have to enable it explicitly like this: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.cache.enable :generic, { :cache_dir => "/var/cache/some" } end ``` The `:cache_dir` parameter is required. It specifies the directory on the guest that will be cached under the "generic" bucket. You may enable more than one generic bucket by giving them different names via the `:name` parameter, like this: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.cache.enable :generic, { :name => "one", :cache_dir => "/var/cache/one" } config.cache.enable :generic, { :name => "two", :cache_dir => "/var/cache/two" } end ``` In this case you get two buckets called "generic-one" and "generic-two" under guest's `/tmp/vagrant-cache`. The Generic bucket is useful if you want to implement a caching mechanism by hand. For instance, if you want to cache your wget downloads under `/var/cache/wget` you can do this: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.cache.enable :generic, { :name => "wget", :cache_dir => "/var/cache/wget" } end ``` Then, you invoke wget like this: ```sh wget -N -P /var/cache/wget URL ```