# Usage ## Configurations ### Auto detect supported cache buckets This is the easiest way to get started with plugin. By adding the code below to your `Vagrantfile` you can enable automatic detection of supported cache _buckets_: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # ... config.cache.auto_detect = true end ``` This will make vagrant-cachier do its best to find out what is supported on the guest machine and will set buckets accordingly. ### Cache scope By default downloaded packages will get stored on a folder scoped to base boxes under your `$HOME/.vagrant.d/cache`. The idea is to leverage the cache by allowing downloaded packages to be reused across projects. So, if your `Vagrantfile` has something like: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = 'some-box' config.cache.auto_detect = true end ``` The cached files will be stored under `$HOME/.vagrant.d/cache/some-box`. If you are on a [multi VM environment](http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/multi-machine/index.html), there is a huge chance that you'll end up having issues by sharing the same bucket across different machines. For example, if you `apt-get install` from two machines at "almost the same time" you are probably going to hit a _"SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock"_. To work around that, you can set the scope to be based on machines: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = 'some-box' config.cache.scope = :machine end ``` This will tell vagrant-cachier to download packages to `.vagrant/machines//cache` on your current project directory. ## Finding out disk space used by buckets At some point there'll be a `vagrant cache stats` command that will give you that information, but while that does not get implemented you can run the code below if you are on a Linux machine: ``` # scope = :box (default) $ du -h -d0 $HOME/.vagrant.d/cache 405M /home/fabio/.vagrant.d/cache/precise64 1.1G /home/fabio/.vagrant.d/cache/raring64 448M /home/fabio/.vagrant.d/cache/quantal64 # scope = :machine $ du -h -d0 .vagrant/machines/*/cache 16K .vagrant/machines/precise/cache 90M .vagrant/machines/quantal/cache 210M .vagrant/machines/raring/cache ``` ## Cleaning up cache buckets At some point there'll be a `vagrant cache clean [bucket-name]` command that will take care of things for you, but while that does not get implemented you can run the code below if you are on a Linux machine: ``` # scope = :box (default) $ rm -rf $HOME/.vagrant.d/cache// # scope = :machine $ rm -rf .vagrant/cache// ```