require 'unit_helper' require 'vagrant' require 'vagrant-lxc/errors' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/handle_box_metadata' describe Vagrant::LXC::Action::HandleBoxMetadata do let(:app) { double(:app, call: true) } let(:env) { {machine: machine, ui: double(info: true)} } let(:machine) { double(:machine, box: box) } let(:box) { double(:box, name: 'box-name', metadata: metadata, directory: box_directory) } let(:box_directory) {'/path/to/box') } let(:version) { '2' } let(:metadata) { {'template-opts' => {'--foo' => 'bar'}, 'version' => version} } let(:vagrant_key) { Vagrant.source_root.join('keys', '').expand_path.to_s } subject {, env) } context 'with valid contents' do before do File.stub(exists?: true) end it 'sets the tarball argument for the template' do env[:lxc_template_opts].should include( '--tarball' => box_directory.join('rootfs.tar.gz').to_s ) end it 'sets the auth key argument for the template' do env[:lxc_template_opts].should include( '--auth-key' => vagrant_key ) end it 'sets the template options from metadata on env hash' do env[:lxc_template_opts].should include(metadata['template-opts']) end it 'sets the template source path on env hash' do env[:lxc_template_src].should == box_directory.join('lxc-template').to_s end end describe 'with invalid contents' do before { File.stub(exists?: true) } it 'raises an error if the version is != 2' do metadata['version'] = '1' expect { }.to raise_error(Vagrant::LXC::Errors::IncompatibleBox) end it 'raises an error if the rootfs tarball cant be found' do File.stub(:exists?).with(box_directory.join('rootfs.tar.gz').to_s).and_return(false) expect { }.to raise_error(Vagrant::LXC::Errors::RootFSTarballMissing) end it 'raises an error if the lxc-template script cant be found' do File.stub(:exists?).with(box_directory.join('lxc-template').to_s).and_return(false) expect { }.to raise_error(Vagrant::LXC::Errors::TemplateFileMissing) end end end