require 'unit_helper' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/handle_box_metadata' describe Vagrant::LXC::Action::HandleBoxMetadata do let(:metadata) { {'template-opts' => {'--foo' => 'bar'}} } let(:box) { mock(:box, name: 'box-name', metadata: metadata, directory: box_directory) } let(:box_directory) {'/path/to/box') } let(:machine) { mock(:machine, box: box) } let(:app) { mock(:app, call: true) } let(:env) { {machine: machine, ui: stub(info: true)} } subject {, env) } before do File.stub(exists?: true) subject.stub(:system) end it 'sets the rootfs-tarball path on metadata hash' do metadata['rootfs-tarball'].should == box_directory.join('rootfs.tar.gz') end it 'prepends vagrant and box name to template-name' do metadata['template-name'].should == "vagrant-#{}" end it 'copies box template file to the right folder' do src = box_directory.join('lxc-template').to_s dest = "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-#{metadata['template-name']}" subject.should have_received(:system). with("sudo su root -c \"cp #{src} #{dest}\"") end end