require 'unit_helper' require 'vagrant-lxc/driver' require 'vagrant-lxc/driver/cli' require 'vagrant-lxc/sudo_wrapper' describe Vagrant::LXC::Driver do describe 'container name validation' do let(:unknown_container) {'unknown', nil, cli) } let(:valid_container) {'valid', nil, cli) } let(:new_container) {, nil) } let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, list: ['valid']) } it 'raises a ContainerNotFound error if an unknown container name gets provided' do expect { unknown_container.validate! }.to raise_error end it 'does not raise a ContainerNotFound error if a valid container name gets provided' do expect { valid_container.validate! }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not raise a ContainerNotFound error if nil is provider as name' do expect { new_container.validate! }.not_to raise_error end end describe 'creation' do let(:name) { 'container-name' } let(:template_name) { 'auto-assigned-template-id' } let(:template_path) { '/path/to/lxc-template-from-box' } let(:template_opts) { {'--some' => 'random-option'} } let(:config_file) { '/path/to/lxc-config-from-box' } let(:rootfs_tarball) { '/path/to/cache/rootfs.tar.gz' } let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, :create => true, :name= => true) } subject {, nil, cli) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:import_template).and_yield(template_name) subject.create name, template_path, config_file, template_opts end it 'sets the cli object container name' do expect(cli).to have_received(:name=).with(name) end it 'creates container with the right arguments' do expect(cli).to have_received(:create).with( template_name, config_file, template_opts ) end end describe 'destruction' do let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, destroy: true) } subject {'name', nil, cli) } before { subject.destroy } it 'delegates to cli object' do expect(cli).to have_received(:destroy) end end describe 'start' do let(:customizations) { [['a', '1'], ['b', '2']] } let(:internal_customization) { ['internal', 'customization'] } let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, start: true) } let(:sudo) { double(Vagrant::LXC::SudoWrapper) } subject {'name', sudo, cli) } before do sudo.should_receive(:run).with('cat', '/var/lib/lxc/name/config').exactly(3).times. and_return('# CONFIGURATION') sudo.should_receive(:run).twice.with('cp', '-f', %r{/tmp/.*}, '/var/lib/lxc/name/config') sudo.should_receive(:run).twice.with('chown', 'root:root', '/var/lib/lxc/name/config') subject.customizations << internal_customization subject.start(customizations) end it 'prunes previous customizations before writing' it 'writes configurations to config file' it 'starts container with configured customizations' do expect(cli).to have_received(:start) end end describe 'halt' do let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, shutdown: true) } subject {'name', nil, cli) } before do allow(cli).to receive(:transition_to).and_yield(cli) end it 'delegates to cli shutdown' do expect(cli).to receive(:shutdown) subject.forced_halt end it 'expects a transition to running state to take place' do expect(cli).to receive(:transition_to).with(:stopped) subject.forced_halt end it 'attempts to force the container to stop in case a shutdown doesnt work' do allow(cli).to receive(:shutdown).and_raise( :target, :source) expect(cli).to receive(:transition_to).with(:stopped).twice expect(cli).to receive(:stop) subject.forced_halt end it 'attempts to force the container to stop in case lxc-shutdown is not supported' do allow(cli).to receive(:shutdown).and_raise(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI::ShutdownNotSupported) expect(cli).to receive(:transition_to).with(:stopped).twice expect(cli).to receive(:stop) subject.forced_halt end end describe 'state' do let(:cli_state) { :something } let(:cli) { double(Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI, state: cli_state) } subject {'name', nil, cli) } it 'delegates to cli' do expect(subject.state).to eq(cli_state) end end describe 'folder sharing' do let(:shared_folder) { {guestpath: '/vagrant', hostpath: '/path/to/host/dir'} } let(:ro_rw_folder) { {guestpath: '/vagrant/ro_rw', hostpath: '/path/to/host/dir', mount_options: ['ro', 'rw']} } let(:folders) { [shared_folder, ro_rw_folder] } let(:rootfs_path) { Pathname('/path/to/rootfs') } let(:expected_guest_path) { "#{rootfs_path}/vagrant" } let(:sudo_wrapper) { double(Vagrant::LXC::SudoWrapper, run: true) } subject {'name', sudo_wrapper) } before do subject.stub(rootfs_path: rootfs_path, system: true) subject.share_folders(folders) end it "creates guest folder under container's rootfs" do expect(sudo_wrapper).to have_received(:run).with("mkdir", "-p", expected_guest_path) end it 'adds a mount.entry to its local customizations' do expect(subject.customizations).to include [ 'mount.entry', "#{shared_folder[:hostpath]} #{expected_guest_path} none bind 0 0" ] end it 'supports additional mount options' do expect(subject.customizations).to include [ 'mount.entry', "#{ro_rw_folder[:hostpath]} #{rootfs_path}/vagrant/ro_rw none ro,rw 0 0" ] end end end