module Vagrant module LXC module Action class PrepareNFSSettings include Vagrant::Util::Retryable def initialize(app, env) @app = app @logger ="vagrant::action::vm::nfs") end def call(env) @machine = env[:machine] # if using_nfs? # TODO: && !privileged_container? # raise Errors::NfsWithoutPrivilegedError # end if using_nfs?"Using NFS, preparing NFS settings by reading host IP and machine IP") add_ips_to_env!(env) end end # We're using NFS if we have any synced folder with NFS configured. If # we are not using NFS we don't need to do the extra work to # populate these fields in the environment. def using_nfs? @machine.config.vm.synced_folders.any? { |_, opts| opts[:type] == :nfs } end # TODO: # def privileged_container? # @machine.provider.driver.privileged?( # end # Extracts the proper host and guest IPs for NFS mounts and stores them # in the environment for the SyncedFolder action to use them in # mounting. # # The ! indicates that this method modifies its argument. def add_ips_to_env!(env) provider = @machine.provider host_ip = read_host_ip machine_ip = provider.ssh_info[:host] raise Vagrant::Errors::NFSNoHostonlyNetwork if !host_ip || !machine_ip env[:nfs_host_ip] = host_ip env[:nfs_machine_ip] = machine_ip end def read_host_ip @machine.communicate.execute 'echo $SSH_CLIENT' do |buffer, output| return output.chomp.split(' ')[0] if buffer == :stdout end end end end end end