#!/bin/bash # Script used to build Ubuntu base vagrant-lxc containers # USAGE: # $ sudo ./build-ubuntu-box.sh UBUNTU_RELEASE BOX_ARCH # TODO: * Add support for flushing cache and specifying a custom base Ubuntu lxc # template instead of system's built in # * Embed vagrant public key # * Add date to metadata.json # * Ensure it is in sync with master ################################################################################## # 1 - Create the base container RELEASE=${1:-"raring"} ARCH=${2:-"amd64"} lxc-create -n ${RELEASE}-base -t ubuntu -- --release ${RELEASE} --arch ${ARCH} ################################################################################## # 2 - Prepare vagrant user ROOTFS=/var/lib/lxc/${RELEASE}-base/rootfs chroot ${ROOTFS} usermod -l vagrant -d /home/vagrant ubuntu echo -n 'vagrant:vagrant' | chroot ${ROOTFS} chpasswd ################################################################################## # 3 - Setup SSH access and passwordless sudo # Configure SSH access mkdir -p ${ROOTFS}/home/vagrant/.ssh wget https://raw.github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/master/keys/vagrant.pub -O ${ROOTFS}/home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys chroot ${ROOTFS} chown -R vagrant: /home/vagrant/.ssh # Enable passwordless sudo for users under the "sudo" group cp ${ROOTFS}/etc/sudoers{,.orig} sed -i -e \ 's/%sudo\s\+ALL=(ALL\(:ALL\)\?)\s\+ALL/%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL/g' \ ${ROOTFS}/etc/sudoers ################################################################################## # 4 - Add some goodies PACKAGES=(vim curl wget manpages bash-completion) chroot ${ROOTFS} apt-get install ${PACKAGES[*]} -y --force-yes ################################################################################## # 5 - Configuration management tools # TODO ################################################################################## # 6 - Free up some disk space rm -rf ${ROOTFS}/tmp/* chroot ${ROOTFS} apt-get clean ################################################################################## # 7 - Build box package # Set up a working dir mkdir -p /tmp/vagrant-lxc-${RELEASE} # Compress container's rootfs cd /var/lib/lxc/${RELEASE}-base tar --numeric-owner -czf /tmp/vagrant-lxc-${RELEASE}/rootfs.tar.gz ./rootfs/* # Prepare package contents cd /tmp/vagrant-lxc-${RELEASE} wget https://raw.github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc/master/boxes/common/lxc-template wget https://raw.github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc/master/boxes/common/lxc.conf wget https://raw.github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc/master/boxes/common/metadata.json chmod +x lxc-template # Vagrant box! PKG=vagrant-lxc-${RELEASE}-${ARCH}.box tar -czf $PKG ./* echo "The base box was built successfully to ${PKG}"