namespace :boxes do namespace :build do IMAGE_ROOT = '' IMAGE_NAME = 'ubuntu-12.10-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz' def download(source, destination) destination = "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/../#{destination}" if File.exists?(destination) puts 'Skipping box image download' else sh "wget #{source} -O #{destination}" end end desc 'Packages an Ubuntu cloud image as a Vagrant LXC box' task 'ubuntu-cloud' do sh 'mkdir -p boxes/output' download "#{IMAGE_ROOT}/#{IMAGE_NAME}", "boxes/ubuntu-cloud/#{IMAGE_NAME}" sh 'rm -f output/' sh 'cd boxes/ubuntu-cloud && tar -czf ../output/ ./*' end desc 'Build Ubuntu Quantal x64 Vagrant LXC box' task 'quantal-64' do unless File.exists?('/var/cache/lxc/quantal/rootfs-amd64') puts "Right now you need to run `lxc-create` with the right arguments to build debootstrap's cache " + "prior to building the box.\n" + "Please contact me at the mail you'll find at\n" + "if you want to find out how to get this going." exit 1 end sh 'mkdir -p boxes/output' sh 'rm -f output/' sh 'cd boxes/quantal-64 && tar -czf ../output/ ./*' end end end