require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/subprocess" require "vagrant-lxc/errors" require "vagrant-lxc/driver/cli" require "etc" require "tempfile" module Vagrant module LXC class Driver # This is raised if the container can't be found when initializing it with # a name. class ContainerNotFound < StandardError; end # Default root folder where container configs are stored DEFAULT_CONTAINERS_PATH = '/var/lib/lxc' attr_reader :container_name, :customizations def initialize(container_name, sudo_wrapper, cli = nil) @container_name = container_name @sudo_wrapper = sudo_wrapper @cli = cli ||, container_name) @logger ="vagrant::provider::lxc::driver") @customizations = [] end def validate! raise ContainerNotFound if @container_name && ! @cli.list.include?(@container_name) end # Root folder where container configs are stored def containers_path @containers_path ||= @cli.support_config_command? ? @cli.config('lxc.lxcpath') : DEFAULT_CONTAINERS_PATH end def all_containers @cli.list end def base_path"#{containers_path}/#{@container_name}") end def rootfs_path^lxc\.rootfs\s+=\s+(.+)$/)[1]) end def mac_address return @mac_address if @mac_address if config_string =~ /^lxc\.network\.hwaddr\s*+=\s*+(.+)$/ @mac_address = $1 end end def config_string'cat', base_path.join('config').to_s) end def create(name, backingstore, backingstore_options, template_path, config_file, template_options = {}) = @container_name = name import_template(template_path) do |template_name| @logger.debug "Creating container..." @cli.create template_name, backingstore, backingstore_options, config_file, template_options end end def share_folders(folders) folders.each do |f| share_folder(f[:hostpath], f[:guestpath], f.fetch(:mount_options, 'bind')) end end def share_folder(host_path, guest_path, mount_options = nil) guest_path = guest_path.gsub(/^\//, '') guest_full_path = rootfs_path.join(guest_path) unless begin @logger.debug("Guest path doesn't exist, creating: #{guest_full_path}")'mkdir', '-p', guest_full_path.to_s) rescue Errno::EACCES raise Vagrant::Errors::SharedFolderCreateFailed, :path => guest_path.to_s end end mount_options = Array(mount_options || ['bind']) host_path = host_path.to_s.gsub(' ', '\\\040') guest_path = guest_path.gsub(' ', '\\\040') @customizations << ['mount.entry', "#{host_path} #{guest_path} none #{mount_options.join(',')} 0 0"] end def start(customizations)'Starting container...') if ENV['LXC_START_LOG_FILE'] extra = ['-o', ENV['LXC_START_LOG_FILE'], '-l', 'DEBUG'] end prune_customizations write_customizations(customizations + @customizations) @cli.start(extra) end def forced_halt'Shutting down container...') @cli.transition_to(:stopped) { |c| c.stop } end def destroy @cli.destroy end def supports_attach? @cli.supports_attach? end def attach(*command) @cli.attach(*command) end def configure_private_network(bridge_name, bridge_ip, container_name, ip) "Configuring network interface for #{container_name} using #{ip} and bridge #{bridge_name}" cmd = [ Vagrant::LXC.source_root.join('scripts/pipework').to_s, bridge_name, container_name, "#{ip}/24" ]*cmd) if ! bridge_has_an_ip?(bridge_name) "Adding #{bridge_ip} to the bridge #{bridge_name}" cmd = [ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', "#{bridge_ip}/24", 'dev', bridge_name ]*cmd) end end def bridge_has_an_ip?(bridge_name) "Checking whether the bridge #{bridge_name} has an IP" `ip -4 addr show scope global #{bridge_name}` =~ /^\s+inet ([0-9.]+)\/[0-9]+\s+/ end def bridge_is_in_use?(bridge_name) # REFACTOR: This method is **VERY** hacky "Checking if bridge #{bridge_name} is in use" brctl_output = `brctl show #{bridge_name} 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | grep -q veth` $?.to_i == 0 end def remove_bridge(bridge_name) "Checking whether bridge #{bridge_name} exists" brctl_output = `ifconfig -a | grep -q #{bridge_name}` return if $?.to_i != 0 "Removing bridge #{bridge_name}"'ifconfig', bridge_name, 'down')'brctl', 'delbr', bridge_name) end def version @version ||= @cli.version end # TODO: This needs to be reviewed and specs needs to be written def compress_rootfs # TODO: Pass in tmpdir so we can clean up from outside target_path = "#{Dir.mktmpdir}/rootfs.tar.gz" "Compressing '#{rootfs_path}' rootfs to #{target_path}"'tar', '--numeric-owner', '-cvzf', target_path, '-C', rootfs_path.parent.to_s, "./#{rootfs_path.basename.to_s}") "Changing rootfs tarball owner" user_details = Etc.getpwnam(Etc.getlogin)'chown', "#{user_details.uid}:#{user_details.gid}", target_path) target_path end def state if @container_name @cli.state end end def prune_customizations # Use sed to just strip out the block of code which was inserted by Vagrant @logger.debug 'Prunning vagrant-lxc customizations' contents = config_string contents.gsub! /^# VAGRANT-BEGIN(.|\s)*# VAGRANT-END\n/, '' write_config(contents) end protected def write_customizations(customizations) customizations = do |key, value| "lxc.#{key}=#{value}" end customizations.unshift '# VAGRANT-BEGIN' customizations << "# VAGRANT-END\n" contents = config_string contents << customizations.join("\n") write_config(contents) end def write_config(contents)'lxc-config').tap do |file| file.chmod 0644 file.write contents file.close 'cp', '-f', file.path, base_path.join('config').to_s 'chown', 'root:root', base_path.join('config').to_s end end def import_template(path) template_name = "vagrant-tmp-#{@container_name}" tmp_template_path = templates_path.join("lxc-#{template_name}").to_s 'Copying LXC template into place''cp', path, tmp_template_path)'chmod', '+x', tmp_template_path) yield template_name ensure 'Removing LXC template' if tmp_template_path'rm', tmp_template_path) end end TEMPLATES_PATH_LOOKUP = %w( /usr/share/lxc/templates /usr/lib/lxc/templates /usr/lib64/lxc/templates /usr/local/lib/lxc/templates ) def templates_path return @templates_path if @templates_path path = TEMPLATES_PATH_LOOKUP.find { |candidate| } if !path raise paths: TEMPLATES_PATH_LOOKUP.inspect end @templates_path = Pathname(path) end end end end