#!/usr/bin/env ruby raise 'You should not run this script from the dev box' if ENV['USER'] == 'vagrant' require 'bundler' require 'json' IMAGE_ROOT = 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/quantal/release-20130206' IMAGE_NAME = 'ubuntu-12.10-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz' VAGRANT_REPO = 'https://raw.github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/master' def download(source, destination) destination = "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/cache/#{destination}" return if File.exists?(destination) sh "wget #{source} -O #{destination}" end def sh(cmd) Bundler.with_clean_env do puts cmd raise 'Errored!' unless system cmd end end def restore_snapshot! sh 'vagrant halt -f' conf = JSON.parse File.read('.vagrant') id = conf['active']['default'] sh "VBoxManage snapshot '#{id}' restore ready-to-rock" sh 'vagrant up' exit 0 end def vagrant_ssh(cmd) sh "vagrant ssh -c \"#{cmd}\"" end # Initialize git submodules sh 'git submodule update --init' Bundler.with_clean_env do # Ensure box has not been created yet unless `vagrant status` =~ /not created/ print 'Vagrant box already created, do you want to [r]ecreate it, restore [s]napshot or [A]bort? ' answer = gets.chomp exit 0 if answer.empty? || answer =~ /^a/i case when answer =~ /^s/i restore_snapshot! when answer =~ /^r/i sh 'vagrant destroy -f' else puts 'Invalid option!' exit 1 end end end # Cache development dependencies `mkdir -p cache` # Cache container image between vagrant box destructions download "#{IMAGE_ROOT}/#{IMAGE_NAME}", IMAGE_NAME # Start vagrant sh 'vagrant up' # Because I'm lazy ;) vagrant_ssh "echo 'cd /vagrant' >> ~/.bashrc" vagrant_ssh "alias be='bundle exec' >> ~/.bashrc" # "be" archive is too slow for me vagrant_ssh "sudo sed -i -e 's/be.archive/br.archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" # Ensure we have the latest packages around vagrant_ssh "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y" # Ensure the machine can boot properly after upgrades sh 'vagrant reload' # Install dependencies vagrant_ssh "sudo apt-get install lxc rinetd libffi-dev libffi-ruby ruby1.9.1-dev htop git -y && sudo gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc" # Backup rinetd config vagrant_ssh "cp /etc/rinetd.conf /vagrant/cache/rinetd.conf" # Make rinetd writable by vagrant user vagrant_ssh 'sudo chown vagrant:vagrant /etc/rinetd.conf' # Bundle! vagrant_ssh 'cd /vagrant && bundle' # Setup vagrant default ssh key vagrant_keys_path = '$(cd /vagrant && bundle show vagrant)/keys' vagrant_ssh "cp #{vagrant_keys_path}/vagrant ~/.ssh/id_rsa && cp #{vagrant_keys_path}/vagrant.pub ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa" # Setup lxc cache vagrant_ssh "sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/lxc/cloud-quantal && sudo cp /vagrant/cache/#{IMAGE_NAME} /var/cache/lxc/cloud-quantal/#{IMAGE_NAME}" # Click sh 'vagrant halt' conf = JSON.parse File.read('.vagrant') id = conf['active']['default'] sh "VBoxManage snapshot '#{id}' take ready-to-rock" sh 'vagrant up'