en: vagrant_lxc: messages: not_created: |- The container hasn't been created yet. not_running: |- The container is not currently running. will_not_destroy: |- The container '%{name}' will not be destroyed, since the confirmation was declined. starting: |- Starting container... force_shutdown: |- Forcing shutdown of container... # TODO: Remove the following keys after we drop support for vagrant < 1.3 waiting_for_start: |- Waiting for container to start. This should not take long. warn_networks: |- Warning! The LXC provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant public / private network configurations (ex: `config.vm.network :private_network, ip: "some-ip"`). They will be silently ignored. vagrant: commands: status: stopped: |- The container is currently stopped. Run `vagrant up` to bring it up again. actions: lxc: compressing_rootfs: Compressing container's rootfs... share_folders: preparing: Setting up mount entries for shared folders... errors: lxc_execute_error: |- There was an error executing %{command} For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG. lxc_incompatible_box: |- The base box you are trying to use is not compatible with the installed vagrant-lxc version. Supported box versions are %{supported} but %{found} was found. lxc_template_file_missing: |- The template file used for creating the container was not found for %{name} box. lxc_templates_dir_missing: |- Unable to identify lxc templates path. Looked up under: %{paths} lxc_not_installed: |- The `lxc` package does not seem to be installed or is not accessible on the PATH. lxc_redir_not_installed: |- `redir` is not installed or is not accessible on the PATH. lxc_container_already_exists: |- There is container on your system with the same name you've specified on your Vagrantfile (%{name}), please choose a different one or run `lxc-destroy --name %{name}` and try again.