# FIXME: Ruby 1.8 users dont have SecureRandom require 'securerandom' require "vagrant-lxc/errors" require "vagrant-lxc/container/cli" require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/subprocess" module Vagrant module LXC class Container # Root folder where containers are stored CONTAINERS_PATH = '/var/lib/lxc' # Include this so we can use `Subprocess` more easily. include Vagrant::Util::Retryable # This is raised if the container can't be found when initializing it with # a name. class NotFound < StandardError; end attr_reader :name def initialize(name, cli = CLI.new(name)) @name = name @cli = cli @logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::provider::lxc::container") end def validate! raise NotFound if @name && ! @cli.list.include?(@name) end def base_path Pathname.new("#{CONTAINERS_PATH}/#{@name}") end def rootfs_path Pathname.new("#{base_path}/rootfs") end def create(metadata = {}) # FIXME: Ruby 1.8 users dont have SecureRandom @logger.debug('Creating container using lxc-create...') @name = SecureRandom.hex(6) public_key = Vagrant.source_root.join('keys', 'vagrant.pub').expand_path.to_s meta_opts = metadata.fetch('template-opts', {}).merge( '--auth-key' => public_key, '--cache' => metadata.fetch('rootfs-cache-path') ) @cli.name = @name @cli.create(metadata.fetch('template-name'), meta_opts) @name end def share_folders(folders, config) folders.each do |folder| guestpath = rootfs_path.join(folder[:guestpath].gsub(/^\//, '')) unless guestpath.directory? begin system "sudo mkdir -p #{guestpath.to_s}" rescue Errno::EACCES raise Vagrant::Errors::SharedFolderCreateFailed, :path => guestpath.to_s end end # http://blog.smartlogicsolutions.com/2009/06/04/mount-options-to-improve-ext4-file-system-performance/ config.start_opts << "lxc.mount.entry=#{folder[:hostpath]} #{guestpath} none bind 0 0" end end def start(config) @logger.info('Starting container...') opts = config.start_opts.dup if ENV['LXC_START_LOG_FILE'] opts.merge!('-o' => ENV['LXC_START_LOG_FILE'], '-l' => 'DEBUG') end @cli.transition_to(:running) { |c| c.start(opts) } end def halt @logger.info('Shutting down container...') # TODO: issue an lxc-stop if a timeout gets reached @cli.transition_to(:stopped) { |c| c.shutdown } end def destroy @cli.destroy end def state if @name @cli.state end end def assigned_ip unless File.read(base_path.join('config')) =~ /^lxc\.network\.hwaddr\s*=\s*([a-z0-9:]+)\s*$/ raise 'Unknown Container MAC Address' end mac_addr = $1 # TODO: We might need to `ip neigh flush all > /dev/null` before running `arp` ip = '' # See: http://programminglinuxblog.blogspot.com.br/2007/11/detecting-ip-address-from-mac-address.html retryable(:on => LXC::Errors::ExecuteError, :tries => 10, :sleep => 3) do r = (raw 'arp', '-n') # If the command was a failure then raise an exception that is nicely # handled by Vagrant. if r.exit_code != 0 if @interrupted @logger.info("Exit code != 0, but interrupted. Ignoring.") else raise LXC::Errors::ExecuteError, :command => ['arp', '-n'].inspect end end unless r.stdout.gsub("\r\n", "\n").strip =~ /^([0-9.]+).+#{Regexp.escape mac_addr}/ raise LXC::Errors::ExecuteError, 'Unable to identify container ip' end ip = $1.to_s # Sometimes lxc reports the container as running before DNS is returning # the right IP, so have to try a couple of times sometimes. # Tks to https://github.com/neerolyte/vagueant/blob/master/bin/vagueant#L318-L330 r = raw 'ping', '-c', '1', ip if r.exit_code != 0 raise LXC::Errors::ExecuteError, 'Unable to reach container' end end ip end # TODO: Review code below this line, it was pretty much a copy and paste from VirtualBox base driver # Executes a command and returns the raw result object. def raw(*command, &block) int_callback = lambda do @interrupted = true @logger.info("Interrupted.") end # Append in the options for subprocess command << { :notify => [:stdout, :stderr] } Vagrant::Util::Busy.busy(int_callback) do Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(*command, &block) end end end end end