unless ENV['USER'] == 'vagrant' puts 'Acceptance specs are supposed to run from one of the vagrant-lxc dev machines' exit 1 end # FIXME: Figure out why this doesn't work if ENV['COVERAGE'] == 'true' require 'simplecov' require 'coveralls' SimpleCov.start { add_filter '/spec/' } SimpleCov.command_name 'acceptance' end # if defined? SimpleCov # SimpleCov.command_name 'acceptance' # end if ENV['BOX_PATH'] == nil latest = ENV.fetch('LATEST_BOXES','2014-03-11') release = ENV.fetch('RELEASE', 'precise') local_path ="#{File.expand_path("../", __FILE__)}/boxes/output/#{latest}/vagrant-lxc-#{release}-amd64.box" if File.exists?(local_path) ENV['BOX_PATH'] = local_path else raise 'Set $BOX_PATH to the latest released boxes' end end Vagrant::Spec::Acceptance.configure do |c| c.component_paths << "spec/acceptance" c.provider 'lxc', box: ENV['BOX_PATH'], features: ['!suspend'] end