module Vagrant module LXC class SyncedFolder < Vagrant.plugin("2", :synced_folder) def usable?(machine) # These synced folders only work if the provider is LXC machine.provider_name == :lxc end def prepare(machine, folders, _opts) machine.ui.output(I18n.t("vagrant.actions.lxc.share_folders.preparing")) folders.each do |id, data| host_path =[:hostpath], machine.env.root_path)) guest_path = data[:guestpath] env[:ui].warn(I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.warn_owner")) if data[:owner] env[:ui].warn(I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.warn_group")) if data[:group] if ! && data[:create] # Host path doesn't exist, so let's create it."Host path doesn't exist, creating: #{host_path}") begin host_path.mkpath rescue Errno::EACCES raise Vagrant::Errors::SharedFolderCreateFailed, :path => hostpath.to_s end end mount_opts = data[:mount_options] machine.provider.driver.share_folder(host_path, guest_path, mount_opts) # Guest path specified, so mount the folder to specified point machine.ui.detail(I18n.t("vagrant.actions.vm.share_folders.mounting_entry", guestpath: data[:guestpath], hostpath: data[:hostpath], guest_path: data[:guestpath])) end end end end end