require 'spec_helper' describe 'vagrant up' do context 'given the machine has not been created yet' do let(:output) { @output } let(:containers) { @containers } let(:users) { '/var/lib/lxc/vagrant-container/rootfs/etc/passwd' } let(:sudoers) { `sudo cat /var/lib/lxc/vagrant-container/rootfs/etc/sudoers` } let(:rinetd_conf) {'/etc/rinetd.conf') } before :all do destroy_container! configure_box_with :ip => '' @output = provider_up @containers = `sudo lxc-ls`.split end it 'outputs some debugging info' do output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Creating container.../ output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Container started/ end it 'creates an lxc container' do containers.should include 'vagrant-container' end it 'sets up the vagrant user with passwordless sudo' do users.should =~ /vagrant/ sudoers.should =~ /Defaults\s+exempt_group=admin/ sudoers.should =~ /%admin ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL/ end it 'automagically shares the root folder' do output.should =~ /Sharing \/vagrant\/tmp as \/vagrant/ end it 'automagically redirects 2222 port to 22 on guest machine' end context 'given the machine was created and is down' do let(:output) { @output } let(:info) { @info } before :all do destroy_container! provider_up `sudo lxc-stop -n vagrant-container` @output = provider_up @info = `sudo lxc-info -n vagrant-container` end it 'outputs some debugging info' do output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Container already created, moving on/ output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Container started/ end it 'starts the container' do info.should =~ /RUNNING/ end end context 'given the machine is up already' do let(:output) { @output } let(:containers) { @containers } before :all do destroy_container! provider_up @output = provider_up end it 'outputs some debugging info' do output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Container already created, moving on/ output.should =~ /INFO lxc: Container already started/ end end context 'given an ip was specified' do let(:ip) { '' } let(:output) { @output } before :all do destroy_container! configure_box_with :ip => ip @output = provider_up end it 'sets up container ip' do `ping -c1 #{ip} > /dev/null && echo -n 'yes'`.should == 'yes' end end context 'given a port was configured to be forwarded' do let(:ip) { '' } let(:output) { @output } let(:rinetd_conf) {'/etc/rinetd.conf') } before :all do destroy_container! configure_box_with :forwards => [[3333, 33]], :ip => ip @output = provider_up end after :all do restore_rinetd_conf! end it 'ouputs some debugging info' do output.should =~ /Forwarding ports\.\.\./ output.should =~ /33 => 3333/ output.should =~ /Restarting rinetd/ end it 'sets configs for rinetd' do rinetd_conf.should =~ /0\.0\.0\.0\s+3333\s+#{Regexp.escape ip}\s+33/ end end context 'given a folder was configured to be shared' do let(:ip) { '' } let(:output) { @output } before :all do destroy_container! configure_box_with({ :ip => ip, :shared_folders => [ {'source' => '/vagrant', 'destination' => '/tmp/vagrant-all'} ] }) @output = provider_up `rm -f /vagrant/tmp/file-from-spec` end after :all do `rm -f /vagrant/tmp/file-from-spec` end it 'ouputs some debugging info' do output.should =~ /Sharing \/vagrant as \/tmp\/vagrant\-all/ end it 'mounts the folder on the right path' do `echo 'IT WORKS' > /vagrant/tmp/file-from-spec` provider_ssh('c' => 'cat /tmp/vagrant-all/tmp/file-from-spec').should include 'IT WORKS' end end end