require 'tempfile' module Vagrant module LXC module Command class Sudoers < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command) def execute options = { user: ENV['USER'] } opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vagrant lxc sudoers" opts.separator "" opts.on('-u', '--user', "The user for which to create the policy (defaults to '#{options[:user]}')") do |u| options[:user] = u end end argv = parse_options(opts) return unless argv filename = "vagrant-lxc-#{options[:user]}" to_sudoers!(create_tempfile!(options[:user], filename), filename) end private # REFACTOR: Make use ERB rendering after # lands into core def create_tempfile!(user, filename) sudoers = do |file| file.write "# Automatically created by vagrant-lxc\n" commands.each do |command| file.write sudoers_policy(user, command[:cmd], command[:args]) end end sudoers.close File.chmod(0644, sudoers.path) sudoers.path end def to_sudoers!(source, destination) destination = "/etc/sudoers.d/#{destination}" commands = [ "rm -f #{destination}", "cp #{source} #{destination}", "chmod 440 #{destination}" ] `echo "#{commands.join('; ')}" | sudo sh` end def sudoers_policy(user, command, args) home = `echo ~#{user}`.chomp args = args.gsub /%\{BOXES\}/, "#{home}/.vagrant.d/boxes" "#{user} ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: #{command} #{args}\n" end def commands [ { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-ls', :args => '' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-info', :args => '' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-attach', :args => '' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/which', :args => 'lxc-*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/cat', :args => '/var/lib/lxc/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/mkdir', :args => '/var/lib/lxc/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/su', :args => "root -c sed -e '*' -ibak /var/lib/lxc/*" }, { :cmd => '/bin/su', :args => "root -c echo '*' >> /var/lib/lxc/*" }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-start', :args => '-d --name *' }, { :cmd => '/bin/cp', :args => '%{BOXES}/*/lxc/lxc-template /usr/lib/lxc/templates/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/cp', :args => '%{BOXES}/*/lxc/lxc-template /usr/share/lxc/templates/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/rm', :args => '/usr/lib/lxc/templates/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/rm', :args => '/usr/share/lxc/templates/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/chmod', :args => '+x /usr/lib/lxc/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/chmod', :args => '+x /usr/share/lxc/*' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-create', :args => '--template * --name * -- --tarball ${BOXES}/*' }, { :cmd => '/bin/rm', :args => '-rf /var/lib/lxc/*/rootfs/tmp/*' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-shutdown', :args => '--name *' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-stop', :args => '--name *' }, { :cmd => '/usr/bin/lxc-destroy', :args => '--name *' } ] end end end end end